Sycnex / Windows10Debloater

Script to remove Windows 10 bloatware.
MIT License
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"Disable-ScheduledTask : Acces Denied" #343

Open WoodyPampa opened 3 years ago

WoodyPampa commented 3 years ago

Hi and first of all, Thanks for your time and this amazing job you did, really, thanks!

I am not sur because i am not a developper at all, i know some little things but all of this is far from my knowledge. So, maybe there isn't issue, i read an other post that wasn't exactly the same but it seems that with "acces denied" error is because there is nothing to remove... I think...

But i am not sure and so i am there to know if there is a real issue or not ? image

If anybody can confirm or help me and tell me if there is something bad or not, thanks!

MuntazirMTR commented 3 years ago

Same issue!

OG-VELI commented 3 years ago

This is because Powershell is not running as admin. Open PowerShell as admin through Windows search, right-click the debloating script, click "Edit", and then ctrl + a copy the entire code and paste it in the admin PowerShell window. No more errors after this.

MuntazirMTR commented 3 years ago

Doesn't give an error but also doesn't delete anything

Sycnex commented 3 years ago

Disable-ScheduledTask does not delete any scheduled task. All it does is simply disable it. @MuntazirMTR

Hello2145 commented 2 years ago

Hello WoodyPampa and MuntazirMTR,

Did you try this ? 1) Put the folder Windows10Debloater-master in C:\Windows\system32 repository (not on the desktop) 2) Execute Windows Power Shell as an admin 3) Write : "PS C:\Windows\system32> Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force" and press Entry
4) Write : "PS C:\Windows\system32> Windows10Debloater-master\Windows10DebloaterGUI.ps1" and press Entry

ahoier commented 2 years ago

FYI, this worked fine for me!