Sycnex / Windows10Debloater

Script to remove Windows 10 bloatware.
MIT License
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Desktop folder in OneDriveBackupFiles is missing #550

Open DoYouEvenSheesh opened 1 year ago

DoYouEvenSheesh commented 1 year ago

I ran the debloater and Uninstalled One Drive I thought my files would be saved in my Desktop folder so I did not back up those folders after it got uninstalled I go to the Backup folder and all I see is the Pictures my Dekstop folder is gone I had important documents in there and I lost them. I tried using the restore point and still had no use.

Benzeel commented 1 year ago

had the same problem and now im resorting to data recovery apps

Aqasavalla commented 1 year ago

so is the author not going to address this problem? i had around 500mb of txt and docx files on my desktop

cyberwolf63 commented 1 year ago

Guys, Always take a backup BEFORE run any major cleanup, debloater is Major Cleanup of system applications!

UnlegitSenpaii commented 1 year ago

First things first, let's address the issue at hand. I hate to break it to you, but the files on your Desktop were merely shortcuts, linking back to your OneDrive folder.

If you take a moment to look at the full path of the file, you'll realize that this is not an issue with the program you're using. The program is simply doing what it's designed to do, which is to uninstall OneDrive. So, please, let's not go pointing fingers at the innocent program for your own oversight.

WARNING: I do NOT take responsibility for what may happen to your system! Run scripts at your own risk!

Now, let's talk about the solution. Brace yourself, because it might be a bit challenging for someone who has already made such a monumental blunder. Before uninstalling OneDrive, you'll need to disable the backup feature. Additionally, you must move all the folders, such as Desktop and Documents, back to your Userprofile folder (%userprofile%). Once you've accomplished these tasks, you can proceed with uninstalling OneDrive.

Neglecting to perform proper backups for your important files is an utterly colossal mistake. It's the equivalent of playing with fire while standing in a pool of gasoline. Under no circumstances should you ever rely solely on one storage medium.

Luckily for you, you can get your files back from the restore point the debloater creates before running.

Learn from this error and vow never to repeat it. chatgpt helped write this helpful message ❤️

LrdKgb commented 11 months ago

Luckily for you, you can get your files back from the restore point the debloater creates before running.

Learn from this error and vow never to repeat it. chatgpt helped write this helpful message ❤️

The restore point did not restore any of my desktop files, would be advisable to point this out in the readme in capital letters. ty

UnlegitSenpaii commented 11 months ago

okay hear me out, what if you were to just download the files from your onedrive? i strongly doubt that putting that warning into the readme would have prevented you from running this script.

LrdKgb commented 11 months ago

Last time I synced to onedrive was in 2020. Have a restore from two months ago. File I need is from 4 days ago.

LrdKgb commented 11 months ago

So after spending the last 8 hours trying to recover my files I managed to get the one I needed: -Do not use PC and do not restore windows -Download a recovery tool asap worked for me. Disk Drill and Recuva probably work if you don't restore (not ease US or Recoverit might override your lost data and there is no free trial) -Get a recent flash/microusb or drive, old one don't work with win recovery tool -Install recovery tools on external drive -Recover, Tree view is useful -Enjoy your recovered data, create backups and file history restoration points for next time