Syiana / SUI

SUI - The Dark Side of World of Warcraft
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Hide Debuffs on Nameplate Still Hiding Debuffs When not Checked #63

Closed Sh0tss closed 1 year ago

Sh0tss commented 1 year ago

When using the nameplate feature for Retail SUI, it seems that only CC debuffs on the nameplate are being tracked, and not damage or utility debuffs like Hunter barbed shot, disable, mortal strike effect, etc.

Here's a video of the issue:

Sh0tss commented 1 year ago

Nevermind, it looks like the default UI itself is responsible for not tracking certain debuffs on a target, tried a warlock with SUI enabled and the DoTs work fine. I also turned off the SUI addon on my Monk and it still was not tracking all debuffs. Sorry about that!