SylEleuth / gruvbox-plus-icon-pack

Gruvbox Plus icon pack for Linux desktops based on Gruvbox color theme.
GNU General Public License v3.0
342 stars 19 forks source link

Request for some more icons #92

Open eugenialoli opened 4 days ago

eugenialoli commented 4 days ago

Hello, I'd like to request a few more apps and games icons. These are the things I use a lot and they don't have icons for. Thank you!


File renamer (Linux Mint app, installed by default) ConvertAll Warpinator (Mint) BoxySVG (webapp) PhotoPea (webapp) Friction (, brand new app) Drawing (Mint) Matrix (Mint) Liferea Foliate OnlyOffice Library (Mint) FreeTube Hypnotix (Mint) Celluloid (Mint) Actions (Mint) Gnome System Monitor (has the same icon as htop, so it's confusing) Subsurface (Linus Torvalds' other app) MeshLab 3D Renoise QCad Pixelorama Bitwig Studio Reaper Rosegarden Presonus Studio One Extension Manager Denaro Pinta Design (Gnome CAD) Jellyfin (web app) Mastodon (web app) Pixelfed (web app) Lemmy (web app) Viber (web app) NewsFlash (Gnome RSS app) QuietRSS Flatseal


LGeneral LbreakoutHD Powermanga Tower Toppler Xye Li-Ri FloboPuyo Enigma Opentransport Tycoon LinCity NG Warzone 2100 Freeciv FreeCol Freeorion Flighgear 0AD Opentyrian Simutrans

Also, some icons were not changed when I installed the theme, even if the icon for these apps does exist, e.g. Gnumeric, and Dia (I'm on Linux Mint).

SylEleuth commented 3 days ago

Some of those icons are already there. Webapps are web apps. Apps icons are for desktop applications.

Burying me with names won't work here. I know that a lot of icons are missing, but I'm not working on it full time, and nobody is paying me for it. If You want to make it easier for me pick up one name at the time, open a new issue and follow this instructions. If You noticed that some icons do not work, do the same thing - pick up a name, open new issue and give me as much information as it's possible (system, DE, etc.)

eugenialoli commented 3 days ago

I understand. I will open new issues for each app, with links, and maybe a quick justification as to why it would be nice to have an icon for that app. I will only open issues for the most popular apps.

Also, is there a paypal address that I could donate? I would love to help out. Unfortunately, I'm not good with digital art (I paint traditionally), but I could donate.


SylEleuth commented 3 days ago

Thank You for Your offer but I'm not taking money for this project. I don't think it's worth anything especially when I do it mostly for myself.