Hello. Thank you for this code. I adapted it for the newer Atmega328PB and it is working now. As it has two i2c interfaces.
I have the ssd1306 128x32 oled display. The font size seems to be limited to small and double size:
elif defined TEXTMODE
if (charMode == DOUBLESIZE) {
But DOUBLESIZE is still too small for me, I would like to increase it so that it fits the height of the screen. Or something just larger than double, maybe 2.5 bigger. Are these easy to do? Could they be added to your code?
thank you.
Hello. Thank you for this code. I adapted it for the newer Atmega328PB and it is working now. As it has two i2c interfaces. I have the ssd1306 128x32 oled display. The font size seems to be limited to small and double size:
elif defined TEXTMODE
But DOUBLESIZE is still too small for me, I would like to increase it so that it fits the height of the screen. Or something just larger than double, maybe 2.5 bigger. Are these easy to do? Could they be added to your code? thank you.