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Sylhet Engineering College StudyGroup
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Mozilla Study Groups September Update #4

Closed bkatiemills closed 9 years ago

bkatiemills commented 9 years ago

Welcome New Study Groups

Welcome to our newest Study Groups in Otago, New Zealand and North West University, South Africa! More Study Groups are spooling up around the world; we'll note them here and add them to the Study Group Map as their first events come on line.

September Participation Drive

For many of us, a new term is starting in the next few days - that makes this one of the most important times of the year to get the word out about your Study Group!

The Mozilla Science Lab has a new mailing list for leaders and organizers of Study Groups around the world to ask each other questions, share ideas and talk about their plans for Study Group. Sign up here if you want to be involved in leading a local Study Group - also, we'll be using that list to organize and announce monthly teleconferences for Study Group leaders to connect worldwide.

New Lesson Highlights

Here are the notes from just a few of the awesome lessons that have been delivered around the world in August. Remember, after a demo, throw the notes into a GitHub repo (or whatever format you like) and email the Science Lab with the link, so we can help you share with your colleagues around the world.