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Sylhet Engineering College StudyGroup
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Mozilla Study Group October Update #5

Closed bkatiemills closed 8 years ago

bkatiemills commented 9 years ago

Welcome New Study Groups

Welcome to our newest Study Groups in Acadia, Nova Scotia and Institut Pasteur, Tunis! More Study Groups are spooling up around the world; we'll note them here and add them to the Study Group Map as their first events come on line.

New Global Lesson Index

After the last Study Group Leader's Meeting, we've created a new index to list Study Group lessons from around the world by topic, research field and difficulty level. Check out the new Lesson Index here to browse lessons taught so far.

Contributing to the lesson index is easy! In order to get your lesson listed, just open an issue in the lessons repository, describe your lesson, and apply the appropriate labels - see the Lesson Index link above for more details and examples. If you're not sure what labels to apply or how to proceed, take your best guess and we'll help you sort out the details. If everyone contributes links to their lessons, we will quickly build up a collection of material we can all teach and learn from!

Why don't I see my lesson in the index? There are a ton of lessons out there already, and the reason we created this new, collaboratively editable index is so we can all contribute our lessons back more easily. If you don't see your lesson already there, it wasn't on purpose - it just got missed by mistake! Please open a new issue to add it to the list.

New Lesson Highlights

Here are the notes from just a few of the awesome lessons that have been delivered around the world in September. Remember, open a new issue here when someone in your group teaches a new lesson, and it'll automatically get added to the list!