Sylius / Sylius-Standard

Open Source eCommerce Application on top of Symfony
MIT License
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Fix error during template install #975

Closed frickelbruder closed 2 months ago

frickelbruder commented 3 months ago

Fixes bug during installation and enables the missing "sylius_abstraction.state_machine" service.

During installation of a clean Sylius using composer create-project sylius/sylius-standard MyFirstShop an error occurs because of the missing sylius_abstraction.state_machine service definition.

!!  In CheckExceptionOnInvalidReferenceBehaviorPass.php line 119:
!!    The service "sylius.fixture.order" has a dependency on a non-existent service "sylius_abstraction.state_machine". 

This MR fixes this behaviour.

GSadee commented 2 months ago

The above problem should already be resolved in two ways: we have added a recipe to add this bundle to bundles when it is installed, additionally it has been added to the bundles in Sylius-Standard 1.13 and a new version of our tempalte has been released, which installs 1.13 by default instead of 1.12.