SyllabiShare / syllabi-share

A app to help students share syllabi to assist in the college course selection process
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View own uploaded syllabi #87

Closed mengsarah closed 4 years ago

mengsarah commented 4 years ago

This page displays all the details we have about the user's uploaded syllabi. Also added to the top navigation (not pictured).

Not sure about terminology. "My Uploads"? "Your Uploads"? "{{user.username}}'s Uploads"?

Not sure about the location of "Need to correct an error?" I think the location makes logical sense, but it's not readily visible for anyone who uploads a whole bunch of syllabi or people on mobile. I would move it to the top, except it would be weird for the syllabi to be under the "Need to correct an error?" heading and having "Your uploads" so close to the page's "{{user.username}}'s uploaded syllabi" heading feels redundant. Hmm...

Also, I can make things functionally aesthetic (e.g. focus styles!) but I have no idea how to make things Aesthetic^TM. Hahaha

screenshot with large screen; the uploaded syllabi are in 2 rows of 3 syllabi each partial screenshot with small or medium screen; the uploaded syllabi each have their own row

mengsarah commented 4 years ago

partial screenshot with large screen; compared to previous screenshots, the paragraph with info about error corrections is at the top of the page

Yep, to finally generate an idea to solve the issue of the location of the error correction info, all I had to do was not stare at the page for a while. Info is now at the top of the page, and I think the flow of the headings is natural enough?

50Wliu commented 4 years ago

Thoughts? uploads-with-changed-headers

I can also give some code to make the entire card clickable if we think that would behave nicely, like this: clickable-card

mengsarah commented 4 years ago

That looks much nicer! I have no sense of aesthetics haha.

Now that you mention it, I think it would be nice to have the entire card clickable, but I'm not sure what would happen when the card is clicked. Would it display the syllabus like the green "Syllabus" button in my design?

50Wliu commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure what would happen when the card is clicked.

Yeah I ran into this as well. I think at some point it would make sense for there to be a "summary" page for each syllabi, with the syllabus PDF embedded on that summary page. Then it would feel natural for clicking on the card to lead to that summary page.

For now, would it feel weird to instantly go to the PDF when clicking on the card? If so we can hold off on that. I'm not too sure myself.

50Wliu commented 4 years ago

Oh and in addition to the above question, how do you feel about renaming from myuploads to just uploads

mengsarah commented 4 years ago

For now, would it feel weird to instantly go to the PDF when clicking on the card?

It wouldn't feel weird to me, no. Sounds good

how do you feel about renaming from myuploads to just uploads

I considered that when I was first making the page, but uploads is just one letter away from upload and that felt weird to me even though I didn't know why, so I decided not to. But I'm not actually against uploads instead of myuploads.

50Wliu commented 4 years ago

On second thought I'm just going to leave it as-is and see how much work it is to create the summary page :P.

mengsarah commented 4 years ago

I got really excited and I still am all aboard for this (though we really ought to discuss what we want to do about the page background color) but I saw some funky aligning:

two adjacent cards; overall card heights are the same, but the first card has a shorter title yet has a longer title section, and the second card apparently has no right padding or margin in the body

I found what to change to make it look like this:

same two adjacent cards as before, except now the title sections are the same size as their text, and there is now padding on the right of the bodies

Does that look better? I don't know how to make the title sections all end in the same spot, so I figured that making them end immediately is better than having them apparently grow and end at different spots haha. I'll push the changes if the second one looks better

50Wliu commented 4 years ago

I saw some funky aligning

Ah, boo. All my professor names are approximately the same length, so nice catch :P.

if the second one looks better

It definitely does

we really ought to discuss what we want to do about the page background color

🙈 (but yes, we do)

50Wliu commented 4 years ago

Actually wait, I just glanced at the Bootstrap docs and it seems like they finally have official docs on how to do this whole responsive-equal-card-height thing that I'm so attached to. Lemme know if the next commit fixes the weird blank space, but if not, change away :).

mengsarah commented 4 years ago

It wasn't the professor name lengths that were making the space weird, but rather the different lengths of the bodies; for some reason, the title sections are set to grow (I could probably find why if I bothered to dig around), so I had to explicitly put flex-grow-0 on the title sections so that they wouldn't expand to fill up the space not taken by tiny bodies like on my CS 3030 card.

I think we're all set now! Hopefully.

50Wliu commented 4 years ago

Weird :/.


Flex-grow is still complete magic to me 🔮

Anyway looks good to me! Merge when ready :D