SylvainTran / cart315_w2021_prototype3

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Sébastien's playtest answers #2

Open sebchampoux opened 3 years ago

sebchampoux commented 3 years ago

Which was your favourite rollercoaster? First or second?

The layouts were relatively similar but the second was cooler because of the loop.

Did you feel vertigo on the rollercoaster?

Not really, no.

Did you want to throw up?

No, I am very tolerant to roller coasters and never have been sick on one.

What was your experience being on the rollercoaster? Describe feelings or thoughts about the elements that you NOTICED the most.

The loop on the second roller coaster was cool. The first one made, because of the high peak and the near vertical hill/drop made me think of Intamin Accelerator coasters like Xcelerator or KingdaKa.

What do you think of the voice over acting and its meaning?

Listening to an old man talk about his life whilst being on a roller coaster is certainly an odd experience. It felt like a movie about a person that recently died or lost all his memories (Alzheimer or amnesia perhaps), and some important event in the life of this person happened at an amusement park, and that person narrates the event in question. Considering one of the coasters was named "The Amnesia coaster" I guess I'm probably not too far off the tracks (pun intended).

What did you think about the demo "twinkie" trivia question? Is it too unfair, too hard or too easy?

If there was some mental connection to be made in order to find the correct answer, I didn't make it. I tried all of the choices before getting it correctly. But maybe that's just me.

What do you think of the sound effects of the seat ejection (when you fail at the trivia quiz)?

Even though I failed the question multiple times, I never heard any seat ejection sound. I had an error in the Unity console about there being multiple audio listeners in the scene, and that there should just be one. Maybe a bug related to this prevented me from hearing the seat ejection sound.

Did you feel being on the rollercoaster was the main highlight, or was in the scenes in-between?

I spent most of my time playing the game on the roller coaster. That's where the most action was happening. But considering I couldn't do much whilst on the coaster, I guess that the in-between scenes were supposed to be the highlight.

Other random general (hopefully constructive) comments

I really liked the ambiance of your game, the background noise perfectly set the environment and made me think of the amusement parks I didn't get to visit last year. I had a bit of difficulty understanding the story and game progression, though. Many different events happened in the course of my playtest but I'm not too sure what ties the different elements of your game together. (Le "fil conducteur" du jeu, je sais pas comment dire ça en anglais). In general it definitely looks like a promising concept.

SylvainTran commented 3 years ago

Which was your favourite rollercoaster? First or second?

The layouts were relatively similar but the second was cooler because of the loop.

That's useful information, thanks!

Did you feel vertigo on the rollercoaster?

Not really, no.


Did you want to throw up?

No, I am very tolerant to roller coasters and never have been sick on one.

OK, makes sense then.

What was your experience being on the rollercoaster? Describe feelings or thoughts about the elements that you NOTICED the most.

The loop on the second roller coaster was cool. The first one made, because of the high peak and the near vertical hill/drop made me think of Intamin Accelerator coasters like Xcelerator or KingdaKa.

Yes, I was inspired by accelerators for that one (I tried to keep it simple since I didn't know if the whole thing would work). I'll keep loops more in mind. I did recall my own experience with roller coasters and research pictures and videos on some I haven't tried yet that are found in other countries.

What do you think of the voice over acting and its meaning?

Listening to an old man talk about his life whilst being on a roller coaster is certainly an odd experience. It felt like a movie about a person that recently died or lost all his memories (Alzheimer or amnesia perhaps), and some important event in the life of this person happened at an amusement park, and that person narrates the event in question. Considering one of the coasters was named "The Amnesia coaster" I guess I'm probably not too far off the tracks (pun intended).

It's definitely odd, deliberately! You're right, the rollercoaster is supposed to be a mechanical metaphor on someone with Alzheimer.

What did you think about the demo "twinkie" trivia question? Is it too unfair, too hard or too easy?

If there was some mental connection to be made in order to find the correct answer, I didn't make it. I tried all of the choices before getting it correctly. But maybe that's just me.

The correct answer was related to the fragmented "flashback" where you interact with a certain number of twinkies. It's a recalling puzzle but yes it could be made clearer.

What do you think of the sound effects of the seat ejection (when you fail at the trivia quiz)?

Even though I failed the question multiple times, I never heard any seat ejection sound. I had an error in the Unity console about there being multiple audio listeners in the scene, and that there should just be one. Maybe a bug related to this prevented me from hearing the seat ejection sound.

I'll fix that, thanks! Gone under the radar again. But since you could hear the other sounds, and that I have the same error but can hear it, it's due to something else. Someone else also heard the seat ejection with the same build so it's strange!

Did you feel being on the rollercoaster was the main highlight, or was in the scenes in-between?

I spent most of my time playing the game on the roller coaster. That's where the most action was happening. But considering I couldn't do much whilst on the coaster, I guess that the in-between scenes were supposed to be the highlight.

I like that you mention that you expected to do something on the coaster, I thought about this but did not have enough time to experiment actions other than the quiz. It's something I'll look at in the future

Other random general (hopefully constructive) comments

I really liked the ambiance of your game, the background noise perfectly set the environment and made me think of the amusement parks I didn't get to visit last year. I had a bit of difficulty understanding the story and game progression, though. Many different events happened in the course of my playtest but I'm not too sure what ties the different elements of your game together. (Le "fil conducteur" du jeu, je sais pas comment dire ça en anglais). In general it definitely looks like a promising concept.

Thanks Sebastien! Glad that it brought back some nostalgia / compensated for the coronavirus cancelling summer themeparks. I grabbed those sounds from Youtube and did stuff in audacity. Indeed, it's not meant to have a coherent story or progression in this prototype, it's more like an experimental metaphorical experience. Le fil conducteur is something that I'll work more in the future! Thanks for playing