SymbiFlow / sphinxcontrib-hdl-diagrams

Sphinx Extension which generates various types of diagrams from Verilog code.
Apache License 2.0
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Support VHDL and mixed language designs #65

Open umarcor opened 3 years ago

umarcor commented 3 years ago

Using GHDL as a frontend for Yosys allows synthesising VHDL, Verilog and/or mixed language designs. See It'd be interesting to test whether this extension supports those cases, and to enhance it otherwise.

mithro commented 3 years ago

@umarcor This would be great to add!

nobodywasishere commented 3 years ago

I have a very basic version of this up and running using GHDL on a branch here.

Basically what it does now is checks to see if the file is VHDL, and if it is, converts it to Verilog, and then continues through the rest of the normal process with the Verilog file instead. Here's an example of what the test page I added looks like:


GHDL / ghdl-yosys-plugin should also be added to conda / the conda env file. I also don't believe YoWASP supports ghdl-yosys-plugin, and so you'd have to use full-fledged Yosys for generation with VHDL. I could be wrong about this though. Constructive criticism welcome!

mithro commented 3 years ago

@daniellimws -- Look at this! It is super awesome!

umarcor commented 3 years ago

It is! Congrats @nobodywasishere!

In we have some dockerfiles for having container images for documentation purposes. Those are used in GHDL, VUnit, btd, rodrigomelo9/FOSS-for-FPGAs, etc. We might add one image with Sphinx on top of hdlc/ghdl:yosys, so that anyone can use this extension in CI easily.

Contribute to buildthedocs/docker development by creating an account on GitHub.
mithro commented 3 years ago

@umarcor - We have been using conda here too.

daniellimws commented 3 years ago

@nobodywasishere nice! Are you going to make a pull request for this soon?

nobodywasishere commented 3 years ago

@daniellimws Of course! I just wanted to sit on it for a few days to make sure I did it correctly and didn't miss anything. I've just reworked it a little bit and added more documentation to it.

nobodywasishere commented 3 years ago

Alright, so I'm reevaluating my approach in #72 as I believe there could be a better solution. The current approach is translating VHDL into Verilog and pass that along through the same pipeline; however that doesn't cover mixed HDL designs.

As I understand it now, mixed HDL designs only matter when -flatten is used, as a single entity / module should be self-contained in one language and one file. If -flatten is required though, this requires specifying all of the component/sub module files to Yosys. Verilog-only code currently gets around this by using preprocessor includes, but I don't believe such functionality exists between languages.

There are two possible solutions I can think of right now:

This is the Yosys command that takes multiple source files and produce a json (suitable for netlistsvg). The GHDL commands would be left out if there weren't any VHDL files included.

yosys -p 'ghdl {VHDL_files} -e; prep -top {top_name} -flatten; write_json {out.json}' {Verilog/RTLIL_files}

I've tested including both Verilog and RTLIL files into a VHDL top file using this command and it worked, so I believe it's the way forward.

Some thoughts:

@mithro @umarcor @daniellimws Please let me know your thoughts or if I've missed something.

umarcor commented 3 years ago

@nobodywasishere, this repo is in SymbiFlow's organisation, which is lead by @mithro. One of his mottos is "publish fast and improve later; publish even before you think you are ready". Naturally, applying common sense. What I mean is: if #72 works, you can go ahead and ask it to be merged. No need to wait until the "ideal" solution is ready. That will allow some users to benefit from drawing VHDL designs (and provide feedback), while we solve the slightly more complex mixed HDL case. Of course, this is a very friendly comment, not a request.

There are two possible solutions I can think of right now:

* Specify all other required files manually using an additional option (with a comma separated list). This may get really tedious for larger designs.

* Specify a folder and include all valid files within the folder

It may be that implementing both is the best solution for flexibility.

I would go with:

.. hdl-diagram:: top
   :v: path/glob[.il], path/glob[.v]
   :vhdl: path/glob[.vhdl], path/glob[.vhd]
   :vhdl-std: 08
   :type: netlistsvg

Where path/glob[*] represent strings to be processed as glob patterns with Python's Path.glob. It is up to the users to provide individual filenames, directories or specifying the extensions.

As you see, my suggestion is to remove the top field, and have it as the main argument.

This is the Yosys command that takes multiple source files and produce a json (suitable for netlistsvg). The GHDL commands would be left out if there weren't any VHDL files included.

yosys -p 'ghdl {VHDL_files} -e; prep -top {top_name} -flatten; write_json {out.json}' {Verilog/RTLIL_files}

I've tested including both Verilog and RTLIL files into a VHDL top file using this command and it worked, so I believe it's the way forward.

This is why I proposed fields :v: and :vhdl: above. It makes explicit which files does the user want to have passed in each of the places in the yosys command.

Two important notes:

  • There should be a hdl_diagram_ghdl_std global config for setting the VHDL version for GHDL (= "93" or = "08") defaulting to "08"

Apart from having it as a global default, I would support optionally specifying it per diagram. It needs to be the same for all the sources in one diagram, tho. GHDL does not support mixing stds yet.

  • Need to come up with better self-contained mixed language examples (help would be appreciated)

I suggest picking and removing the hard core instantiations. That is, remove the RGB driver and the clock buffer. You will be left with a top level that instantiates a counter. You have four combinations there.

  • Need to figure out the best way for inputting a list of filepaths as a comma separated string will lead to issues

Why does a comma separated list of strings lead to issues?

  • Does the order in which files are passed to Yosys matter?

For GHDL, it does (should) not. There might be some corner cases with the language, but for most designs the order should be guessed automatically. I believe it's the same with Yosys (Verilog).