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SymbiFlow WIP changes for Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite
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Branch: Quicklogic : Multiplier primitive instance should be qlal4s3_mult_cell_macro #65

Closed rakeshm75 closed 4 years ago

rakeshm75 commented 4 years ago

Multiplier primitive instance should be qlal4s3_mult_cell_macro, so the black box instance should be the following in cells_sim.v file:

( blackbox ) module qlal4s3_mult_cell_macro ( input [31:0] Amult, input [31:0] Bmult, input [1:0] Valid_mult, input sel_mul_32x32, output [63:0] Cmult );


User should be configuring the multiplier into x32 or x16 and should be connecting the signals appropriately.

Attached the primitive files ( cells_sim.v & cells_map.v) , design example (rtl) and EDIF file for reference.

glatosinski commented 4 years ago

The multiplier is added to Yosys and will soon be released on Github along with other changes

glatosinski commented 4 years ago

The multiplier is released

kgugala commented 4 years ago

@rakeshm75 all the mults macros are also supported in arch-defs

rakeshm75 commented 4 years ago

@kgugala, I have pulled the latest code. When I run the design with multiplier, I get the following error:

25.2.2. Analyzing design hierarchy.. ERROR: Module \qlal4s3_mult_cell_macro' referenced in module\AL4S3B_FPGA_IP' in cell `\u_qlal4s3_mult_cell_macro' is not part of the design. make[3]: [quicklogic/tests/quicklogic_testsuite/design3/design3-ql-chandalar/ql-s3-ql-eos-s3-virt-ql-eos-s3-wlcsp/top_synth.json] Error 1 make[2]: [quicklogic/tests/quicklogic_testsuite/design3/CMakeFiles/file_quicklogic_tests_quicklogic_testsuite_design3_design3-ql-chandalar_ql-s3-ql-eos-s3-virt-ql-eos-s3-wlcsp_top.eblif.dir/all] Error 2 make[1]: [quicklogic/tests/quicklogic_testsuite/design3/CMakeFiles/design3-ql-chandalar_jlink.dir/rule] Error 2 make: [quicklogic/tests/quicklogic_testsuite/design3/CMakeFiles/design3-ql-chandalar_jlink.dir/rule] Error 2

kgugala commented 4 years ago

hi @rakeshm75 I added your test to arch-defs repository

I ran it and it passes to the bitstream. It looks like you don't have the latest Yosys code. Support for the qlal4s3_mult_cell_macro cell has been added in this commit

There is one more issue with the design you attached - it get almost entirely optimized out during synthesis.

rakeshm75 commented 4 years ago

Hi Karol,

Its the same design which I had filed issue with Yosys that it optimizes the design completely. The issue number #63 ( It was fixed and I could run the design on Yosys, create edif and run through SpDE tool. I have attached the EDF file created by Yosys and Precision for your reference.

We should have only qlal4s3_mult_cell_macro multiplier primitive not qlal4s3_mult_32x32_cell nor qlal4s3_mult_16x16_cell. 32x32 or 16x16 multiplier should be built from the base qlal4s3_mult_cell_macro.

( blackbox ) module qlal4s3_mult_cell_macro ( input [31:0] Amult, input [31:0] Bmult, input [1:0] Valid_mult, input sel_mul_32x32, output [63:0] Cmult ); endmodule