Symbiota / Symbiota-deprecated

This original code fork is considered deprecated and no longer maintained by the community. We recommend that you use one of the several actively developed forks.
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Suggestion: move hardcoded DB and PHP parameters to a config file #104

Open jbest opened 7 years ago

jbest commented 7 years ago

I'm not familiar enough with PHP or Symbiota to suggest where these could be moved, but I'll document the problem areas I encountered when trying to upload an ITIS file (see issue #103). I had to change number of the parameters in the code to get a successful upload and processing of the ITIS file. I'm sure the particular values I used are not recommended for a production environment but they worked in my local test environment. Perhaps these values can be established in a config file or in the Symbiota admin interface rather than in code so it's easier to customize for each environment.

Changed: // in symbiota/classes/TaxonomyUpload.php //set_time_limit(3000); set_time_limit(-1); //ini_set("max_input_time",120); ini_set("max_input_time",-1);