Symbiota / Symbiota-deprecated

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No data download for results generated by search with a collector name that contains an apostrophe #119

Closed jbest closed 6 years ago

jbest commented 6 years ago

When I search for the collector last name O'Kennon, I get results (for example'Kennon&db=370;&page=1 has 2,929 results) but when I click on the icon to download the data the URL is{%22collector%22:%22O and is truncated at the position where the apostrophe would be. I still see the download page, but the downloaded file is NoData.txt If I manually reconstruct the URL with an apostrophe, it has the same results. If I use the HTML entity %apos; ({%22collector%22:%22O%apos;Kennon%22}&jsoncollstarr={%22db%22:%22370;%22}) I get the expected download results.

jbest commented 6 years ago

This seems to be a problem with other fields. I haven't tested much, but the same problem occurs with locality (e.g. Martha's Vineyard).

jbest commented 6 years ago

Your latest updates to the portal fixed this problem. Thanks!