SymbolicML / DynamicExpressions.jl

Ridiculously fast symbolic expressions
Apache License 2.0
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Improve precompilation with SnoopCompile.jl #11

Closed MilesCranmer closed 1 year ago

MilesCranmer commented 1 year ago

cc @mkitti. I'll do the same with SymbolicRegression.jl and then we can try to make a PySR startup image.

MilesCranmer commented 1 year ago

Probably want to export test_all_combinations too so that SymbolicRegression.jl can precompile the safe operators it uses.

coveralls commented 1 year ago

Pull Request Test Coverage Report for Build 3558692731

Changes Missing Coverage Covered Lines Changed/Added Lines %
src/precompile.jl 81 104 77.88%
<!-- Total: 86 109 78.9% -->
Files with Coverage Reduction New Missed Lines %
src/EvaluateEquation.jl 4 98.18%
<!-- Total: 4 -->
Totals Coverage Status
Change from base Build 3459442572: -1.3%
Covered Lines: 959
Relevant Lines: 1060

💛 - Coveralls
MilesCranmer commented 1 year ago

Looks like StaticArrays and VectorizationBase are pretty expensive to load. Maybe they should be conditional somehow.

julia> @time_imports using DynamicExpressions
      2.2 ms  ArrayInterfaceCore
      0.1 ms  IfElse
     18.3 ms  Static
      0.2 ms  Compat
      9.4 ms  ArrayInterface
      0.4 ms  Adapt
     47.9 ms  OffsetArrays
      0.5 ms  ArrayInterfaceOffsetArrays
      1.7 ms  StaticArraysCore
    387.0 ms  StaticArrays
      0.3 ms  ArrayInterfaceStaticArraysCore
      0.7 ms  ArrayInterfaceStaticArrays
      0.1 ms  SIMDTypes
      1.1 ms  ManualMemory
      2.6 ms  LayoutPointers
     10.3 ms  CPUSummary 41.10% compilation time
      0.1 ms  BitTwiddlingConvenienceFunctions
     79.8 ms  HostCPUFeatures 54.53% compilation time
    335.9 ms  VectorizationBase
      2.6 ms  SLEEFPirates
      0.1 ms  UnPack
     32.1 ms  ThreadingUtilities 76.48% compilation time
     10.9 ms  PolyesterWeave 70.63% compilation time
      1.8 ms  DocStringExtensions 56.20% compilation time
      2.5 ms  CloseOpenIntervals
      0.1 ms  SnoopPrecompile
     56.5 ms  ChainRulesCore
      4.1 ms  IrrationalConstants
      0.6 ms  DiffRules
      1.7 ms  DiffResults
     16.3 ms  Preferences
      0.8 ms  OpenLibm_jll
      0.2 ms  NaNMath
      0.5 ms  ChangesOfVariables
      0.9 ms  InverseFunctions
      0.5 ms  LogExpFunctions
      0.2 ms  JLLWrappers
      6.1 ms  CompilerSupportLibraries_jll
      2.6 ms  OpenSpecFun_jll 71.57% compilation time
     11.9 ms  SpecialFunctions
     45.6 ms  MacroTools
      0.3 ms  CommonSubexpressions
    103.2 ms  ForwardDiff
      2.1 ms  SIMDDualNumbers
    142.4 ms  LoopVectorization
      0.2 ms  TermInterface
      0.1 ms  Reexport
      0.2 ms  ExprTools
     48.4 ms  TimerOutputs
      0.2 ms  AutoHashEquals
      5.2 ms  OrderedCollections
      0.3 ms  Parameters
     54.8 ms  DataStructures
      0.6 ms  ConstructionBase
     26.2 ms  Setfield
      5.9 ms  SplittablesBase
      0.3 ms  ArgCheck
     24.2 ms  InitialValues
      0.2 ms  Requires
      0.1 ms  DataValueInterfaces
      1.0 ms  DataAPI
      0.1 ms  IteratorInterfaceExtensions
      0.1 ms  TableTraits
     11.3 ms  Tables
      0.2 ms  ZygoteRules
     67.8 ms  BangBang 68.88% compilation time (29% recompilation)
      6.9 ms  MicroCollections
      2.4 ms  Referenceables
     64.4 ms  Baselet
      0.1 ms  CompositionsBase
      0.1 ms  DefineSingletons
     70.6 ms  Transducers 63.13% compilation time (22% recompilation)
     17.1 ms  ThreadsX
     96.0 ms  Metatheory 83.54% compilation time
     13.7 ms  AbstractTrees
      4.1 ms  Combinatorics
    286.8 ms  MutableArithmetics
     61.2 ms  MultivariatePolynomials
     27.3 ms  DynamicPolynomials
      1.2 ms  Bijections
     87.8 ms  RecipesBase
    130.5 ms  FillArrays
      2.4 ms  GPUArraysCore
     23.7 ms  RecursiveArrayTools
      1.0 ms  PreallocationTools
     17.2 ms  LabelledArrays
    159.3 ms  SymbolicUtils
      0.1 ms  RealDot
     16.2 ms  StructArrays
     14.5 ms  ChainRules
     55.2 ms  IRTools
      8.2 ms  AbstractFFTs
    156.3 ms  Zygote 11.31% compilation time
    539.5 ms  DynamicExpressions
MilesCranmer commented 1 year ago

Tested with PySR too; everything is a go

mkitti commented 1 year ago

You might want to use StaticArraysCore

MilesCranmer commented 1 year ago

Actually StaticArrays is an indirect dependency; whatever package uses it (maybe LoopVectorization?) would have to update their end. I guess I can’t really change it from here though.