SymbolicPathFinder / jpf-symbc

Symbolic PathFinder
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Adding Gradle Support to SPF #68

Closed gaurangkudale closed 2 years ago

gaurangkudale commented 2 years ago
1643450423083 30 org.eclipse.core.resources.regexFilterMatcher node_modules|.git|__CREATED_BY_JAVA_LANGUAGE_SERVER__

The FileInfoMatcherDescription object has to be initialized with the ID of a filterMatchers extension point. The org.eclipse.core.resources plugin specifiy one default filter matcher, of ID org.eclipse.core.resources.regexFilterMatcher, which accepts regular expressions Strings as argument. Other plugins distributed with the workbench (such as the org.eclipse.ui.ide plugin) define other reusable filter matchers.

Filter matchers are extensible through the org.eclipse.core.resources.filterMatchers extension point.

gaurangkudale commented 2 years ago

By adding resource filters to a project or folder, the user can systematically prevent some file system entries to be displayed in the resource tree. @corinus Any thoughts on this?

gaurangkudale commented 2 years ago

Hey there Can anyone please review this pull request if there are any changes please let me know

gaurangkudale commented 2 years ago

Right now I'll close this PR because I've used the latest Gradle version but it is not the same as jpf-core is using and there are other changes also I'll create a new PR with respective changes