SymbolixAU / googleway

R Package for accessing and plotting Google Maps
232 stars 46 forks source link

Number of reviews with google_place_details #147

Closed mtmx closed 6 years ago

mtmx commented 6 years ago

Hello, I use your package to access informations about places. google_place_details returns global rating for a place (i.e. mean of all the user ratings) but unfortunately not the number of user ratings. Only five reviews are retrieved for a place, and it seems this limit can't be exceeded with a regular api key.

Scraping google maps pages of places (where the number of reviews is displayed) is obviously not an option. Is there any chance this information could be available ? Thanks.

SymbolixAU commented 6 years ago

googleway will only return what the Google API returns. So if that information is not available through the API then I can't make it available.

Is there a specific field / result in Google's API that I am not returning?

mtmx commented 6 years ago

No, every useful field is returned by googe_place_details. Sorry for bothering you.