Open I3auke opened 4 years ago
Can you post the full shiny code please (you can omit the api key)?
see below. I tried omitting "height = '100%'" and changing it to 'auto' but without the desired result. thnx!
ui <- fluidPage(google_mapOutput("map",height = '100%'))
longitude<-c(3.6345, 4.567)
markers <- data.frame(latitude=latitude,longitude=longitude)
server <- function(input, output, session){
map_key <- "XXXXXX"
output$map <- renderGoogle_map({
map<-google_map(key = map_key, data = markers,
search_box = TRUE, fullscreen_control = TRUE) %>%
shinyApp(ui, server)
Thanks - I can replicate the issue.
We are getting a google is not defined
javascript error.
I'll look into it.
"height ='800px'" does look better, but it is not responsive (it does not respond when window is resized).
But I'm not seeing this behaviour.
found a workaround:
ui <- bootstrapPage(
tags$style(type = "text/css", "html, body {width:100%;height:100%}"),
google_mapOutput("map",width = "100%", height = "100%"))
works well
did you ever find a solution for the uncaught reference error?
I kind of let it slide given the workaround. Have you tried the proposed solution ?
yes and it caused my map to not render when I set height to "100%". Does it require bootstrapPage?
I am using shinydashboardPlus, and my map is in a held within a box > fluidRow > column width 6.
scratch that. simply changing height to 400px worked.
This is all I changed:
Pretty weird given that the default arguments already use 100% and 400px for width and height:
function (outputId, width = "100%", height = "400px")
htmlwidgets::shinyWidgetOutput(outputId, "google_map",
width, height, package = "googleway")
Thanks though! Glad I found this thread, feels good finally getting those console errors down to zero in an enormous app! 💪
Hi, I would expect to create a responsive fullscreen map in shiny via:
But it is not working (map is not loading at all; only search box is visible). "height ='800px'" does look better, but it is not responsive (it does not respond when window is resized).
thnx. Bauke