SymbolixAU / mapdeck

R interface to and Mapbox
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mapdeck_view() doesn't use current viewState properties #382

Open hdmm3 opened 1 month ago

hdmm3 commented 1 month ago

I've been trying to use mapdeck_view() to individually update some map parameters, like the bearing or zoom level. However, after manually zooming, dragging, tilting, if I call something like mapdeck_view(pitch = 45) the rest of the viewState parameters will be reset to the latest values programmatically defined for the viewState, instead of the current values.

After a quick inspection, I noticed that the underlying function here is getting the current lon, lat, pitch, bearing, zoom, etc, directly from the viewState whose values don't seem to change when interacting with the map. The current values seem to be nested inside instead. So for instance retrieving the current pitch could be done through:

currentPitch = pitch === null ? window[ map_id + 'map'] : pitch;

I'll submit a PR for this issue.

dcooley commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the PR - now merged

dcooley commented 1 month ago

Something in this commit causes the map to freeze, so I've reverted to the commit before this.

dcooley commented 1 month ago

something else was wrong so I've fully reverted this

hdmm3 commented 1 month ago

Hi @dcooley, first of all apologies for those half-baked PRs. This time I'll share my thoughts first. I've been digging about the intended behaviour of when using either initialViewState or viewState props. Here are some of my interpretations of what's going on when using the initialViewState prop:

In order to avoid fully overwriting the viewState, the initialViewState prop could be set in md_change_location as follows:

window[map_id + 'map'].setProps({
      initialViewState: {
        ...window[map_id + 'map'].viewState,
        [map_id]: {
          longitude: currentLon,
          latitude: currentLat,
          zoom: currentZoom,
          maxZoom: currentMaxZoom,
          minZoom: currentMinZoom,
          maxPitch: currentMaxPitch,
          minPitch: currentMinPitch,
          pitch: currentPitch,
          bearing: currentBearing,
          transitionInterpolator: transition === "fly" ? new deck.FlyToInterpolator() : new deck.LinearInterpolator(),
          transitionDuration: duration,
          controller: true}        

As such, the current viewState for the map_id could be retrieved using viewManager.getViewState(), as follows:

currentViewState = window[map_id + 'map'].viewManager?.getViewState(map_id) || window[map_id + 'map'].viewState;

getViewState() seems to be the safest approach. I'm not sure if after 8+ the "default-view" viewId will even occur when the DeckGL views prop defines views with id as it's done with mapdeck.

I hope this helps!

dcooley commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the extra detail. And I've been meaining to revisit the viewState logic / code so thanks for bringing this up. When I first implemented it I had a lot of issues getting it to work in both a shiny & non-shiny environment, and getting the map & layers to update correctly.

I'll try and set some time aside next week to look at this in more detail.

dcooley commented 3 days ago

reprex for this:



ui <- shinydashboard::dashboardPage(
    header = shinydashboard::dashboardHeader()
    , sidebar = shinydashboard::dashboardSidebar(
        shiny::actionButton(inputId = "viewState", label = "Pitch")
    , body = shinydashboard::dashboardBody(
            outputId = "map"

server <- function(input, output, session) {

        mapdeck::mapdeck_update(map_id = "map") %>%
            mapdeck::mapdeck_view(pitch = 45)

    output$map <- mapdeck::renderMapdeck({
        mapdeck::mapdeck() %>%
                data = capitals

shiny::shinyApp(ui, server)
dcooley commented 3 days ago

@hdmm3 I've finally managed to look at this again and added a potential solution to the branch issue382. If you get a chance can you test it and see if it works for you?
