Open keoozDan opened 3 months ago
Howdy @keoozDan - In very broad, general terms, it's usually best to allow a user to authenticate (Authentication) regardless if they're "verified" or not. To prevent access (Authorization) to all or part of an application for "non-verified" users, Symfony's Security Voter system can help with that depending on your needs.
If you really want to only allow users who have verified their email address to be able to login (authentication), then you would probably need to use a custom authenticator or some sort of custom security events to handle that gracefully.
Hope this helps!
I think that user with isVerified is false can login.
How can we block the login because : 1/ In app_verify_email we use : $this->denyAccessUnlessGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY'); 2/ In UserChecker.php : we can't block for false isVerified because we block the verification too
Have you any solution ?