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Mid-game multiblocks, materials & recipe chains to fill in some content gaps #40

Closed swagXDragonSlayer46YT closed 2 years ago

swagXDragonSlayer46YT commented 2 years ago

"Mid-game" means somewhere around IV-UV.

Changes to crystal CPU

Involvement of colloidal crystals:

Thermonuclear way of generating pressure

Similar to GCYL’s stellar forge, use thermonuclear weapons to achieve extremely high pressures (up to 6.5 Petapascals). Makes nukes useful if players aren't playing multiplayer mode.

Diamond anvil cell

Diamond Anvil Cells are machines used to create these materials using ridiculous amounts of pressure, up to 500 GPa. In gregtech this would basically be a multiblock compactor, but it will not generate GCYS pressure units because pressure cannot be transferred out of an anvil cell.

Iodine Processing (Replace old method)

Materials (and recipe chains)

Aerographene can be used for late-game machine parts. Probably "borrow" recipe from GCYL

Ferrofluids can also be used for late game machine parts. One use is pumping stuff in places where there is no gravity. It also has an interesting production method (all info is in the link below)

Crosslinked Polyethylene (Synthesis using electron beams) (found by Tech22)

Various mid-game catalysts

Electrical screens for mindless entertainment!

Various acids from oil, and basic chemicals (ignore the tide pod part)

Cursed osmium compound

More realistic platline (mix of these 2, separating elements done by the AAPN solvents, refining them done with second image)

The alloy Al20Li20Mg10Sc20Ti30 is used in aerospace (and probably rocket) components due to its strength, lightweightness (not a real word but whatever), and hardness.

Advanced materials for use in late-game batteries:

Didymium Glass and glasses from here:

Terfenol-D for sensors and sonar systems (theres lots of other purposes described below)

Neodymium-iron-boron magnets for wind turbine generators

Erbium-Nickel alloys (Er3Ni)

BSCCO Superconductor

Ytterbium atomic clocks for use in areas where precise timing is needed

Depleted Uranium (U-238)

Thorium Dioxide

Lithium niobate - used extensively in telecommunications and in optics. Is an excellent waveguide.

Room-temperature superconductors