SymmetricDevs / Supersymmetry-Ideas

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Multiplayer design #51

Open Zalgo239 opened 1 year ago

Zalgo239 commented 1 year ago


First of all, what do we want from the multiplayer experience? Mainly we want to replicate real life geopolitical landscapes. The reason why we want this is that people like when their real world knowledge and intuition gives them accurate clues as to how a game will work.

This has its limites of course, we can't simply implement things like the ideological differences that dominated the Cold War. We have to engineer game mechanics that push players to create the situations we want.


What do we need to get those complex situations?


Let's start with information, controlling what information players are given is a very powerful tool. There are three types of information:

  1. Information players have
  2. Information players know they don't have
  3. Information players don't know they don't have

What must be added and what must be concealed?

We must conceal two major things:

Thse make it very easy to determine at what level of progression other players might be. Advancements can just reveal that someone just crafted a ballistic missile, or a death message could give away the construction of a space station. In a multiplayer game, not knowing what other players might be doing has a bigger impact than almost anything the others could be doing. The point of this is to encourage spying operations, finding ways to infiltrate bases and obtaining survaillance technology. It might also encourage infiltrating other teams directly. Just as we remove information we must add ways to obtain it, spy satellites, listening posts, radar stations and player detectors. These are also fundamental to control large areas.

Power Projection

Power is only useful if it can be projected, that is how we determine the power of real life countries. To do this we need ways for people to control large areas. This means the ability to claim chunks but also more. We need sensor to detect players getting too close, this allows controlling large territories without having to claim thousands of chunks (something that should not be possible on such a scale). Large areas mean a large amount of resources, therefore it is reasonable to assume players will expand their domans as far as they can, we can expect border friction to arise as an emergent mechanic. People will become aware of roughly where their control ends and where that of others begins.


Conflicts are to be expected, what we don't want is wars ending into simple swordfights. Wars must leave scars in the lands. We should balance the gameplay to make the outcome of wars dependent on the same factors as the real world. In the real world wars are often won with logistics (assuming similar technological levels). Therefore we must make logistics a vital part of military tactics, there are a few ways we can do this:

  1. Reduce specific stack sizes, for example magazine not stacking makes ammo a much more significant limiting factor
  2. Make the most powerful weapons either immobile or not possible to carry by hand (nobody can fit a tank in their pocket)
  3. Ensure people make their bases relatively far away from each other, making travel times long encourages building transport

This creates a complex situation in which each side has to both protect its supply lines and destroy the enemy ones. It's also possible that players will try to destroy their own infrastructure when retreating, as to not give enemies an advantage (like with a railway)

Weapon design

The way a weapon looks and sounds like is vital to how the game is perceived, let me give you an example. In Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory multiplayer, where Allies (with allied weapons) face off against Axis (with axis weapons), the two weapon sets have identical stats. Everything except the sounds and the models was absolutely identical. But players complained that the Thompson was much more powerful than its counterpart, the MP40. And the server data showed that Allied players were getting more kills anyway, because even just the audio made the gun feel more powerful and encouraged more aggressive play. The players with thompsons were going for more headshots and getting more headshots as results. This shows how even a perfectly balanced environment can be influenced by something that has nothing to do with how the game actually works. In that example something as simple as a sound effect was altering the outcome of matches in an entire game. Keeping this in mind for our weapons, every attack must be epic and put on a grand spectacle. Players expect many things in a modern war simulation. They want rocket launchers? We give them that but add fixed launchers that fire entire barrages across large areas. They want to drive a tank? We give them tanks and also the ability to command multiple ones with AI. They want cannons? We give them artillery stations that can rain down hell from tens of kilometers away. Every attack must feel like you are unleashing a massive force against your enemy, while defenses should look more like they are doing just the bare minimum necessary to prevent damage (while still looking cool possibly) This will hopefully encourage highly agressive behaviour.

More to be added later via edits...

swagXDragonSlayer46YT commented 1 year ago

Chunk claiming

Rather than using a mod like FTB utilities to technically claim chunks, chunk claims should only be recognized areas in the minds of other players, rather than metadata managed by an all-powerful mod. Meaning that who claimed what is solely dependent on what people think is owned by themselves and others. This perception of claims can be reinforced with physical defenses, natural boundaries and in-world markers to send a message to outsiders, rather than simply opening the FTB utils map and holding down left click over everything (which is exactly what zak did lmfao)

Making chunk claiming dependent only on in-world structures makes things a lot more realistic and imaginative, and makes it so that the amount of territory claimed is dependent on how many resources a team has to maintain that claim, since bigger claims mean more resources spent on defenses and security if they want others to take their claim seriously.

Due to the 3-dimensional nature of supersymmetry with vertically stacked dimensions, claims could indeed be 3-dimensional with one group of people living right below another. Imagine a nation of disgruntled Beneath miners plotting to attack everyone above using their extensive cave systems.

Natural boundaries:

Players who have bases next to rivers or mountains may use rivers and mountains as natural borders, like how some countries in real life set their borders next to rivers.

Players may make bases in islands in the middle of a vast ocean. This means that invading island claims needs a naval force or an air force to traverse the ocean. There would also be ways to counter them like anti-air defenses and floating mines in the sea.

Physical defenses:

Uncovered GT wires are basically electrical fences Land mines Player sensors and turrets ofc Intentionally destroying resources in your own land so that enemies can't use them while advancing towards you Moats for early game players

In-world markers:

Flags that you can place Warning signs and anti-trespasser signs (with sound effects)

swagXDragonSlayer46YT commented 1 year ago

Information Removal

Journeymap has a feature that allows you to see players locations on the mini map and expanded map. This might need to be disabled.

This is a bit unrelated but in the top left there's a few rows of information which includes whether the player is in an ore chunk. I think this should be removed because underground ore veins should be located from finding surface clues & rocks instead of having info spoon fed to them.

Not sure how we would do this, but hide info related to coordinates and what direction you are looking. Players shouldn't be able to tell exactly where they are simply by pressing F3 or looking at journeymap. Players should use the orientation of the sun and natural landmarks to navigate. Makes war a bit more interesting because there's the possibility of getting lost, as well as navigation becoming trickier. Also this prevents people from accidentally leaking their coordinates in discord screenshots (rip beanie)

Players will gain access to coordinate information and journeymap once satellites/GPS are unlocked or something

If possible, remove the name tags above players (and obfuscate player names in chat). Players will have to find ways to prove their identity to others, which can be done with loyalty/information tests or whatever. Eventually, by making ID cards. In the late game there could also be some sort of "fingerprint" detection system that is impossible to exploit. (It would check if the player's UUID matches)

This also makes spying more interesting, as it allows people to impersonate others and trick gullible people into giving them information.

swagXDragonSlayer46YT commented 1 year ago


In order for supply lines to be relevant, players will need to be encouraged to claim territory thousands or at least ten thousand blocks wide. Biomes will need to be made a lot bigger. Resources will have to be more spread out. By a very big factor. This will lead to claims having several bases in them and one main base to take advantage of different resources all on the same claim, like a nation with several small cities that specialize in certain resources, and one capital city. And of course this will all have to be connected by rails.

A war would no longer just be taking over the main base, but be an expensive long process of maintaining control over thousands of blocks, having to take over several bases belonging to the same claim, and so on.

swagXDragonSlayer46YT commented 1 year ago

Weapon Design

Flan's mod has good weapon design, with over-the-top sound effects and a different type of ammo being needed for each gun. The only downside is that it is known for completely nuking Sbeev's 100 player event because its vehicles corrupted the world. The guns are awesome though. I think we should replace techguns with flans mod and its addons. And yes, it has rocket launchers and an explosive machine gun.

You may have heard of the "Immersive Intelligence" mod which has its own artillery and coordinate system. I'm not sure if this was originally in supersymmetry and got removed, but still worth mentioning. It has a massive missile launching multiblock that needs to be fed coordinate data.

swagXDragonSlayer46YT commented 1 year ago

Space Wars

Everything above applies to wars taking place on the same planet, but wars across planets would be far more interesting. Geopolitics in space should resemble events happening in the TV Show "The Expanse" which you might have heard of.

Rather than mass manufacturing tanks, warring space civilizations would be mass manufacturing spaceships. A lot of the planned space features beyond UV aren't in the base advanced rocketry mod and I'm not sure if we're going to code an addon to advanced rocketry, so my suggestions will be based off of what seems to be possible to code.

Advanced rocketry already supports owning multiple space ships at once. A fleet of space ships with attack systems could all be sent to attack a planet at once, or to support armed forces on the planet by dropping supplies. However, a realistic supply line going through space would also need realistic travel times. The warp time multiplier in the AR config files would have to be increased a lot.

Another event from "The Expanse" was when a bunch of rebels took asteroids from the asteroid belt and dropped them on Earth. Which would be far more overpowered than a nuke. That seems possible to code.

Space ships orbiting the same planet should be able to attack each other.

Force fields could be created to protect entire planets. This would deny any players from launching rockets towards the protected planet. It would just say "destination unknown"

Zalgo239 commented 1 year ago

Weapon Design

The issues with Flans and Immersive Intelligence are that they would lead to significant bloat with content we don't need. They are also either partially broken or very unfinished, so are likely to cause bugs. I think we should keep TechGuns and use its addon API to add content via GCYW.

Zalgo239 commented 1 year ago

Space Wars

While I do like the idea of realistic-ish space battles the issue is that AR is not exactly the best mod to work with in terms of codebase...(it's a nightmare)

BestMod commented 1 year ago

Wind Mill

Wind powered mill. Has like 4 blades, can mill grains and soft things. Spins and stuff. No need to be createful so the animation can be entirely superficial.