Re-coding some of TekCay's addon into groovyscript
Very W.I.P., and the built jar currently crashes when I try to launch it with supersymmetry. It has a lot of good features, as well as some features that are incompatible with supersymmetry. I'm not sure if development is dead, so I think we could try to adapt its features into supersymmetry (a lot of the addon's features themselves are adapted from other mods like GT6 and GCYL)
Features (some are optional)
Electolysis changes are already covered in a different issue
Polarizer now requires magnetite
Foils made in new cluster mill machine
Lots of new multiblocks adding to early game
Includes features similar to tinker's construct, such as a melter, alloyer, and caster (replaces alloy smelter, fluid extractor and fluid solidifier)
Galvanized steel (made from iron in molten zinc bath) is needed for LV instead of just steel
Other early-game recipes
Iron, Pigiron, Steel (Blast furnace and EBF are separate)
Immersive Intelligence inspired rubber production
Rubber production can be changed to be more complex, modeling Immersive Intelligence’s rubber production, involving coagulation of latex from trees and vulcanization, in separate multiblocks.
Re-coding some of TekCay's addon into groovyscript
Very W.I.P., and the built jar currently crashes when I try to launch it with supersymmetry. It has a lot of good features, as well as some features that are incompatible with supersymmetry. I'm not sure if development is dead, so I think we could try to adapt its features into supersymmetry (a lot of the addon's features themselves are adapted from other mods like GT6 and GCYL)
Features (some are optional)
Other early-game recipes
Iron, Pigiron, Steel (Blast furnace and EBF are separate)
Immersive Intelligence inspired rubber production
Rubber production can be changed to be more complex, modeling Immersive Intelligence’s rubber production, involving coagulation of latex from trees and vulcanization, in separate multiblocks.