Symphony-CSCC / ivs_rcs

Inventory and Recipe Costing
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Cost Transfer Form Lookup #46

Open bltbersonda opened 7 years ago

bltbersonda commented 7 years ago

Possible to use this lookup when searching for Items in the Cost Transfer Form?

2017-07-06 20_14_36-symphony cms 2 1 - city sports club cebu

Then, 2017-07-06 20_14_06-symphony cms 2 1 - city sports club cebu

And display them as a concatenated string as:

  [Generic Name] - Item Name

2017-07-06 20_19_36-symphony cms 2 1 - city sports club cebu

rodjular commented 7 years ago

Update done. Please check. Exit and logoff properly for change to take effect.

bltbersonda commented 7 years ago

That was fast! Thanks.

Dick, pahabol, can the list not be sorted by itemID? If possible, chronological order lang paginput when items are displayed. Easier for me to check when comparing to written submitted copy.

rodjular commented 7 years ago

Pwede iclick yung column header Item Name then it will sort alphabetically (descending or ascending just toggle) same with lookup.

bltbersonda commented 7 years ago

OK. But how to sort according to input? Better if list sequence is the same as inputted. See picture below for the written submitted copy.


I have to check kase this list compared to what was encoded. Pagna rearrange ang encoded list, ang hirap na i-check, very time consuming. If possible encoded list will display: Eggplant, String Beans, Ampalaya, Fresh Eggs....etc. in that order as it was written