The symphonyui.core.CoreObject.dateTimeOffsetFromDatetime method is currently broken when your timezone is 'Europe/London'. The below code includes the fix.
function dto = dateTimeOffsetFromDatetime(obj, t) %#ok<INUSL>
if isempty(t.TimeZone)
error('Datetime ''TimeZone'' must be set');
t.Format = 'ZZZZZ';
tz = char(t);
if tz(1) == '+'
tz(1) = [];
elseif strcmp(tz, 'Z')
tz = '00:00';
offset = System.TimeSpan.Parse(tz);
dto = System.DateTimeOffset(t.Year, t.Month, t.Day, t.Hour, t.Minute, floor(t.Second), round(1000*rem(t.Second, 1)), offset);
The symphonyui.core.CoreObject.dateTimeOffsetFromDatetime method is currently broken when your timezone is 'Europe/London'. The below code includes the fix.