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Create a SBOL 2 example of SequenceConstraint using pySBOL2 #19

Open PrashantVaidyanathan opened 1 month ago

Yehuda-Binik commented 1 month ago

Would someone be able to explain to me the use-case for the #differerentFrom SequenceConstraint? Like what would the use be to specify that ComponentA MUST have a different definition then ComponentB. I can't quite wrap my brain around it.

Yehuda-Binik commented 1 month ago

In addition, I cannot seem to find the pysbol2 constant associated with #DiffererentFrom. I was able to find the constants that are associated with the other three SequenceConstraints, but I have not been able to find the fourth one. From what I can tell, it does not exist. Is this by design?

jakebeal commented 1 month ago

Here is prototypical use-case for differentFrom: we have a CombinatorialDerivation with two CDS that are to be filled in with fluorescent reporters. The reporters haven't been picked yet, but we know that they shouldn't be the same construct, because then we wouldn't be able to distinguish them.

A nice example of this would be a construct for characterizing bicistronic expression, e.g., Promoter J23101 -> RBS B0034 -> FP1 -> E2A -> FP2

jakebeal commented 1 month ago

With regards to pySBOL2 missing a constant - you are right, it looks like that just plain got overlooked. Please feel free to set up an issue and a pull request to solve it.