SynBioDex / SBOL-specification

The Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL)
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Some typos #487

Closed cjmyers closed 1 year ago

cjmyers commented 1 year ago

Dear SBOL editors,

My name is Johan Guillen, I am trying to learn SBOL. I am reading the SBOL specification document and I think it is great.

I think I found a few typos, for if that would be helpful: -Page 7 line 17: "organsiations" -Page 4 line 18: missing word "to", between "can be used" and "represent biological processes" -Page 11 line 30: word "roles" is referenced two times, I think second one should be "roles" -Page 14 line 16: I think this line should be eliminated -Page 61 line 13: "quantitive"

My apologies beforehand, I am not an expert in the English language.

Thank you.

Best wishes, Johan Guillen

LukasBuecherl commented 1 year ago

See PR #490