Closed cjmyers closed 1 month ago
I was unable to filter with advanced search on dev2 these custom annotation fields for some reason
Additional search -> select igem:status -> error
Should try both logged in and out
Should add and remove filters
Should investigate the query sent when it showing that there are no results to make sure query is correct
Can also validate no results with same advanced search in SBH1
?subject igem:status <> . FILTER ((CONTAINS(lcase(?displayId), lcase('gfp'))||CONTAINS(lcase(?name), lcase('gfp'))||CONTAINS(lcase(?description), lcase('gfp'))))
?subject a ?type .
?subject sbh:topLevel ?subject .
I tried both login and logout. No errors. Local and dev2.
logout: info: query:igem:status= info: template: {"criteria":[" ?subject igem:status . FILTER ((CONTAINS(lcase(?displayId), lcase('gfp'))||CONTAINS(lcase(?name), lcase('gfp'))||CONTAINS(lcase(?description), lcase('gfp'))))"],"offset":"","limit":" LIMIT 50","from":""}
login: info: query:igem:status= info: template: {"criteria":[" ?subject igem:status . FILTER ((CONTAINS(lcase(?displayId), lcase('gfp'))||CONTAINS(lcase(?name), lcase('gfp'))||CONTAINS(lcase(?description), lcase('gfp'))))"],"offset":"","limit":" LIMIT 50","from":"FROM FROM"}
Cannot reproduce
Cannot filter by igem/cello/etc. properties