Syna3C / Syna3C-Project

This is an Open Source Disaster Recover Platform by Non Profit Company Syna3C
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Setting Up Non-Profit #37

Open shonore opened 5 years ago

shonore commented 5 years ago

Doing the paperwork and formalities to set up Non-profit

shonore commented 5 years ago

Geoff and Amelia are working on this currently. Geoff is reaching out for assistance with pitching/marketing product to potential consumers. Geoff is also looking at ways to maintain the product after it is live.

maeutic commented 5 years ago

The steps essentially are:

shonore commented 5 years ago

Geoff recruited a board and we can go ahead to register for the charter to start the Non Profit. We are still waiting on hearing back from resources regarding supporting the project

shonore commented 5 years ago

Followed up with this today and Geoff is still working on this. Amelia needs to give more details when she gets a chance

shonore commented 5 years ago

Geoff said Senator Corker's office got back to him and could provide a contact from the Red Cross

shonore commented 5 years ago

Geoff is still working on getting the paperwork completed for setting up the Non-Profit

shonore commented 5 years ago

Geoffrey has reached out to professors at UTC political science department to recruit students to assist with forming the nonprofit

shonore commented 5 years ago

no status update on this when we revisited this during our weekly status meeting

shonore commented 5 years ago

Amelia mentioned utilizing the South Cumberland Community Nonprofit fund for capacity building and getting grants