Syna3C / Syna3C-Project

This is an Open Source Disaster Recover Platform by Non Profit Company Syna3C
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Confirm if DOB is required for Signup #5

Closed shonore closed 6 years ago

shonore commented 6 years ago

Amelia responded to this question already but we still needed clarification on the answer. Do we include DOB field in the signup form, but give disclaimer that we are not going to exploit PII? Do we just no include PII?

maeutic commented 6 years ago

My 2¢ is that no, we don't need to request DOB. Geoff will need to confirm. Including a provision in the terms of service that account holders must be over 13 years of age, along with including a disclaimer in the privacy policy that Syna3C does not knowingly solicit or store PII of people under the age of 13 should provide adequate compliance with COPPA.

Revencher commented 6 years ago

I think for right now given the short time span we are shooting for Alpha and I would not concern myself so much with personal information. I think for right now a statement confirming the person is at least 18 and an email address will suffice.

That being said make sure that we have the ability to add info information requirements as later function.

shonore commented 6 years ago

Geoff believes that the user should be 18 years or older versus 13 years. We do not want to be legally liable for minors, but we can cross that bridge later when we are going live. We are just going to put disclaimer text, not doing any sort of verification