Syna3C / Syna3C-Project

This is an Open Source Disaster Recover Platform by Non Profit Company Syna3C
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Come up with use cases for User Check-In Feature #6

Closed shonore closed 6 years ago

shonore commented 6 years ago

We need to come up with some use cases for the Check-In feature. We believe that this feature is important and we would like to include it in the first release.

Revencher commented 6 years ago

Ok. Just make sure you weren't putting too much on your plate.

shonore commented 6 years ago

We spoke with Amelia and Geoff and they gave the following:

Use Case # 1: 2 Users are going to carpool to an event. When the users met they take pictures of the other person and their license plate and then upload it to the website. We would also capture their location. This is for ensuring the safety of the users. Images would only store images for x amount of time. The length of time that the image is allowed to stay on the site is determined by Admin and organizer.

Use Case # 2: A user in a disaster zone can take a photo of a blocked road and then upload it to the website along with the geo-location of where the photo was taken. Images would only store images for x amount of time. The length of time that the image is allowed to stay on the site is determined by Admin and organizer.

shonore commented 6 years ago

Once the event is closed or has expired all of the check-ins will have to be cleared out

shonore commented 6 years ago

We have to take cost into consideration with our storage options for check-in data. Ultimately, we need to set a finite amount of time of how long we are going to keep check-in data once the event has been closed so we are not spending an excess amount of storage and money on this.

shonore commented 6 years ago

For the alpha lets just have a simple check-in feature. We would like to just to have the following functionalities in the this feature:

  1. Take a person photo
  2. Take a license plate photo
  3. Location photo
  4. Other photo
  5. Share Geolocation
  6. Comment section

This feature is optional for the user participating into an event. The check-in would only be viewable to admins ,organizers of events, and, originating users