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cleanUpArrays() Error on AMD OPENCL #135

Closed ghost closed 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

OpenCL version: 2.1 Windows 10 x64 Happens on both AMD and AMD

Taking a look at the error codes it is clear that it doesnt want to execute 0-range-kernels. Is this intended behaviour?

Error Log: after clEnqueueNDRangeKernelWOOOT5 , globalSize[0] = 0, localSize[0] = 1 !!!!!!! clEnqueueNDRangeKernel() failed invalid work group size Jun 29, 2018 1:44:52 PM com.aparapi.internal.kernel.KernelRunner fallBackToNextDevice WARNUNG: Device failed for NeuralNetKernel, devices={AMD<GPU>|AMD<CPU>|Java Alternative Algorithm|Java Thread Pool}: OpenCL execution seems to have failed (runKernelJNI returned -54) com.aparapi.internal.exception.AparapiException: OpenCL execution seems to have failed (runKernelJNI returned -54) at com.aparapi.internal.kernel.KernelRunner.executeOpenCL( at com.aparapi.internal.kernel.KernelRunner.executeInternalInner( at com.aparapi.internal.kernel.KernelRunner.executeInternalOuter( at com.aparapi.internal.kernel.KernelRunner.execute( at com.aparapi.Kernel.execute( at com.aparapi.Kernel.execute( at com.aparapi.Kernel.execute( at com.aparapi.internal.kernel.KernelRunner.cleanUpArrays( at com.aparapi.Kernel.cleanUpArrays( at com.godsoft.fourwin.nn.NeuralNetKernel.computeBlocking( at com.godsoft.fourwin.nn.NeuralNetwork.computeOutput( at com.godsoft.fourwin.MainClass$ at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ at at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at

CoreRasurae commented 6 years ago

@Godsoft029 Yes, it is the intended behaviour. The globalSize must be a multiple of localSize. If your localSize is 1 then globalSize must be at least 1, if globalSize is 10, then you will have 10 groups of localSize 1.

freemo commented 6 years ago

@Godsoft029 I'm going to close this ticket and label it as a question. Please feel free to re-open if you feel the ticket is still valid, and even if you keep it closed feel free to continue commenting on this ticket, thanks.

mtommila commented 5 years ago

It seems like this error happens everytime Kernel.cleanUpArrays() is called, which probably is not intended? It also happens in the CleanUpArraysDemo class in the aparapi-examples repo.