Syncplay / syncplay

Client/server to synchronize media playback on mpv/VLC/MPC-HC/MPC-BE on many computers
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What files are given to Syncplay for TLS when is used instead of certbot? #250

Closed Mikaela closed 4 years ago

Mikaela commented 5 years ago

With certbot I just copied all files and pointed Syncplay to the directory, but gives me a separate set of files.

Which of them do I give to Syncplay and will it understand them directly or do I have to rename them?

Et0h commented 5 years ago

I haven't used acme. The only guidance we have is

Mikaela commented 5 years ago

The furtherst I got was:

cp $CERTDIR/fullchain.cer /opt/syncplay/ssl/chain.pem
cp $CERTDIR/ /opt/syncplay/ssl/privkey.pem
cp $CERTDIR/ /opt/syncplay/ssl/cert.pem

Which results to:

ERROR:  Secure connection failed. The server uses an invalid security certificate. This communication could be intercepted by a third party. For f
urther details and troubleshooting see <a href="">here</a>.
ERROR:  Disconnected from server

If I replace $CERTDIR/ with $CERTDIR/ I get ERROR: This server does not support TLS

albertosottile commented 5 years ago

Did you check if the .cer files are actually in the PEM format? Maybe they need to be converted instead of just renamed...

daniel-123 commented 5 years ago

Looking through readme at there is explanation how to install certificates with formats and paths similar to what Syncplay expects. At very least this should be a serviceable workaround.

Personally I'm thinking that some way of specifying arbitrary names for PEM files in Syncplay might be worth exploring after all.

Mikaela commented 5 years ago

Screenshot_2019-08-09 Neilpang acme sh

I should read documentations better. However even with those instructions, Syncplay stays unhappy.

My script now says:
/root/ --install-cert -d $DOMAINNAME --cert-file /opt/syncplay/ssl/cert.pem --key-file /opt/syncplay/ssl/privkey.pem --fullchain-file /opt/syncplay/ssl/chain.pem --reloadcmd "systemctl restart syncplay-server --quiet"

It outputs me:

[Fri Aug  9 15:36:14 EEST 2019] Installing cert to:/opt/syncplay/ssl/cert.pem
[Fri Aug  9 15:36:14 EEST 2019] Installing key to:/opt/syncplay/ssl/privkey.pem
[Fri Aug  9 15:36:14 EEST 2019] Installing full chain to:/opt/syncplay/ssl/chain.pem
[Fri Aug  9 15:36:14 EEST 2019] Run reload cmd: systemctl restart syncplay-server --quiet
[Fri Aug  9 15:36:14 EEST 2019] Reload success

The directory looks like this:

syncplay@relpda ~/ssl % ls -l
total 12
-rwx------ 1 syncplay root 2021 Aug  9 15:36 cert.pem
-rwx------ 1 syncplay root 3669 Aug  9 15:36 chain.pem
-rwx------ 1 syncplay root 1679 Aug  9 15:36 privkey.pem

and Syncplay tells me:

[15:37:24] Successfully reached (201:ef0c:cebe:f000:183c:9326:cbba:8fe1)
ERROR:  Secure connection failed. The server uses an invalid security certificate. This communication could be intercepted by a third party. For f
urther details and troubleshooting see <a href="">here</a>.

I have git pulled both client and server to 0f284e7329eed6a86ecbfd9a2d3a3c392bfbedc3.

daniel-123 commented 5 years ago

Running the following command should give detailed info about what exactly is going on: openssl s_client -connect <<< "Q"

Edit: from the looks of it you connect to is a different domain name than your certificate is for. Maybe the problem is here?

Mikaela commented 5 years ago

I changed the command to openssl s_client -connect and it only says CONNECTED(00000003) and hangs.

The certificate is valid for,,, is the main domain, but it's IPv6-only, so I also have ds. and nat., y. is for Yggdrasil and requires special software for accessing, and I don't have this issue with Mumble or ZNC connected to the same domain.

I also have another Mumble user whom I think to connect to

Mikaela commented 5 years ago

I tried connecting directly to without anything being different. Are you on freenode or something else where I could give you the password in case you can see something more useful?

Mikaela commented 5 years ago

On IRC @daniel-123 figured that I was passing the wrong arguments to

My script now says:

$ACMESH --cert-file $SYNCPLAYDIR/cert.pem --key-file $SYNCPLAYDIR/privkey.pem --ca-file $SYNCPLAYDIR/chain.pem


/root/ --install-cert -d --cert-file /opt/syncplay/ssl/cert.pem --key-file /opt/syncplay/ssl/privkey.pem --ca-file/opt/syncplay/ssl/chain.pem

The issue was that Syncplay expected's --ca-file instead of --fullchain-file.

albertosottile commented 5 years ago


Personally I'm thinking that some way of specifying arbitrary names for PEM files in Syncplay might be worth exploring after all.

I tend to agree with you, but I believe this is just not feasible in our CLI-based current configuration system. I am in favor of @alxpettit idea of using a config file (perhaps an INI file) for our server in the future.

kidburglar commented 5 years ago

Some other application use --key --cert --ca arguments to pass the path directly ? Will that not be a good way to do it ?

Et0h commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your work in helping us understand these issues. We are trying to avoid further complicating the Syncplay codebase, especially when it comes to TLS-related features. As such, while we will link to this issue from so that those with similar issues can understand what is happening, no changes to the Syncplay code are currently anticipated. In the future more information on this topic might be integrated into the guide at: at which point the reference to this issue could become redundant.

tacerus commented 2 years ago


I am using Lego for requesting certificates from Let's Encrypt. Could you clarify what PEM data the three files needed by Syncplay should contain? From my personal understanding:

I tried:

All combinations result in the server printing "TLS support is enabled." and in the client printing "Secure connection failed. The server uses an invalid security certificate. This communication could be intercepted by a third party. For further details and troubleshooting see here." - unfortunately neither of these messages indicate what the issue is. Of course, my certificate is valid (not expired, matching SAN and trusted by the client system's root CA store).

Trying to connect using OpenSSL makes it seem like there is no TLS certificate being sent at all:

$ openssl s_client -connect

If I put Syncplay behind stunnel, above query presents me with a certificate immediately.

Would appreciate any input.

Et0h commented 2 years ago

@tacerus Hopefully you will find of assistance.

Et0h commented 2 years ago

Also be aware that if you are connecting to yourself as localhost then that might cause the TLS to fail. Test with a remote connection.

tacerus commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your reply! I checked the article you linked, and attempted one more combination:

Unfortunately it did not change the behavior of the program either.

Of course, I am connecting using the external domain name which is included in the SAN's of the certificate.

Et0h commented 2 years ago

Even if connecting to the external domain, if you are connecting to yourself then there can be problems because your router might end up just making it a loopback which then means it has the wrong IP to the external one and fails, but this isn't my specialty so I could be wrong. If you are connecting via a loopback then you shouldn't need TLS. You ideally want someone who is on a completely different network to the server to connect to your server for testing purpose.

tacerus commented 2 years ago

This is over the internet, so TLS is necessary.

As said, if I proxy it through a separate application like stunnel the TLS handshake is established.

daniel-123 commented 2 years ago

@tacerus Exact files and their contents that Syncplay expects are the same as old certbot produces by default:

In case of current Let's Encrypt certificates, the intermediate certificate will be the R3 and the root is ISRG Root X1. This is how current public servers are set up, so this should also work for you.

tacerus commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much for the insight, @daniel-123! This is very useful if using different ACME clients.