Syncplay / syncplay

Client/server to synchronize media playback on mpv/VLC/MPC-HC/MPC-BE on many computers
Apache License 2.0
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display youtube title #424

Closed rhetr closed 3 years ago

rhetr commented 3 years ago

when you load a youtube url into syncplay it should automatically grab the video title

Et0h commented 3 years ago

The media player will display the video title. In terms of Syncplay, it refers to the video by the URL because that is what it consistently knows and what can be used to switch to the video.

However, you can manually add something to the end of the video, e.g.: Video

rhetr commented 3 years ago

does syncplay have the ability to display the title though? i navigate the playlist through syncplay, not the media player, and when there are multiple youtube urls loaded into the playlist it is not possible to differentiate them except by loading every video, which is not convenient. it would be good if syncplay could automatically grab the video title and add it to the end of the video like you said.

Et0h commented 3 years ago

Syncplay works best when the features are developed and maintained by those who will use the features, not least because it means they will be using the feature all the time and will therefore spot any bugs or compatibility issues. As I don't really stream many YouTube videos, this is not a feature I will use and is therefore not a great one for me to develop or maintain.

Syncplay and its protocol is open source so anyone could create a tool to do this if they wanted. We have no plans to add this functionality into Syncplay at present, so I'll be closing this issue soon if no volunteers come forward to work on this project. If someone does want to volunteer to code such a tool or if someone who is willing to add it to Syncplay wishes to make their case for doing so then they are free to re-open this topic for further discussion.

daniel-123 commented 3 years ago

Adding a bit to what Et0h said - currently Syncplay doesn't directly interact with URLs at all. Everything about handling them is left to the media players and their libraries. Which in turn tend to support much more than just YouTube - and that's an implementation can of worms I'd prefer to keep closed.

Just adding YouTube API support for retrieving titles and recoding the playlist to display them might not be exceedingly complex, but it would leave the feature very half baked. It would also add to ongoing support burden of entire application for relatively little gain, at least as far as my typical usage goes.

Et0h commented 3 years ago

@daniel-123 is correct, Syncplay at present does not interact with URLs. Indeed, it doesn't even interact with the contents of files. It instead relies on the media players, and that means we can't find out much about a file before it is actually loaded into the player.

If your primary focus is syncing YouTube videos then you may wish to look for one of the many web-based solutions which already exist for this particular use case. Syncplay's primary focus is on syncing files rather than streams, and supporting the features you requested would add an additional maintenance burden to Syncplay as well as adding to its complexity.

rhetr commented 3 years ago

Syncplay doesn't directly interact with URLs at all. Everything about handling them is left to the media players and their libraries.

I suspected as much, thanks for clarifying.