Syncplay / syncplay

Client/server to synchronize media playback on mpv/VLC/MPC-HC/MPC-BE on many computers
Apache License 2.0
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SSL connection abruptly cut in certain countries #553

Open Someone7un7 opened 1 year ago

Someone7un7 commented 1 year ago

I can't connect to any of syncplay servers What do I do?????

Et0h commented 1 year ago

What operating system are you using and what country are you connecting from? It is working fine for me using Windows 10 in the UK, but reports someone having trouble connecting on Windows 11 due to a certificate error.

Et0h commented 1 year ago

Please run Syncplay with the --debug command line switch and let me know of anything potentially relevant which gets put into the syncplay.log or .Syncplay.log file in %APPDATA%.

Et0h commented 1 year ago

Also do you get any errors when you visit the website in your browser?

Someone7un7 commented 1 year ago

no no I can simply visit website without any error I mean I don't need to change my IP or something , and that --debug command which you said didn't do anything , by the way , I'm from Iran

Et0h commented 1 year ago

This might be the same issue as and so might have the same solution.

Could you please try again with the build from and let me know if that fixes it.

Someone7un7 commented 1 year ago

This might be the same issue as #554 and so might have the same solution.

Could you please try again with the build from and let me know if that fixes it.

I tried it and it didn't work , these are the notifications that are shown:

[17:30:02] Attempting to connect to [17:30:03] Attempting secure connection [17:30:03] Successfully reached ( [17:30:03] Connection with server lost, attempting to reconnect [17:30:03] Attempting secure connection

I don't know why it doesn't work ☹ It was really a cool app

by the way, I have windows 10 tried everything buddy I have no idea

maybe it is because of the internet problems that we have in Iran these days , but I don't think so because my friends can use syncplay , they can connect

Et0h commented 1 year ago

@Someone7un7: With I've made it give more explicit error messages when the connection is lost.

Please try it out and let me know what error it gives: (scroll to the artifacts at the bottom and choose Syncplay-1.7.0-Setup.exe or Syncplay_1.7.0_Portable).

Someone7un7 commented 1 year ago

Nothing worked , I'm using VPN

Et0h commented 1 year ago

Thanks for that clarification. There is some discussion of how to modify Syncplay code to run through a proxy at but generally speaking Syncplay was only ever designed/intended to connect directly to the server. As such this seems less like a bug and more like a feature request.

daniel-123 commented 1 year ago


Is the connection working fine without VPN?

Syncplay does use somewhat less typical port, so it's hard to tell whether VPN would interfere with it or not.

Gieted commented 1 year ago

I'm experiencing the same problem (started to happen just recently). I'm not using any VPN. obraz

Someone7un7 commented 1 year ago


Is the connection working fine without VPN?

Syncplay does use somewhat less typical port, so it's hard to tell whether VPN would interfere with it or not.

When I use the app without VPN it doesn't work so I have to use VPN to connect to the servers . It works only with VPN and when I use VPN it works perfectly

Someone7un7 commented 1 year ago

I'm experiencing the same problem (started to happen just recently). I'm not using any VPN. obraz

This is exactly what I experience when I try to connect to the app servers without VPN

albertosottile commented 1 year ago

@Someone7un7 Can you try again with the build included here ? Please start Syncplay with the --debug argument as that provides a more detailed error message. I would appreciate if you could try with and without VPN, and report here the printed debug messages. Thanks.

Someone7un7 commented 1 year ago

@Someone7un7 Can you try again with the build included here ? Please start Syncplay with the --debug argument as that provides a more detailed error message. I would appreciate if you could try with and without VPN, and report here the printed debug messages. Thanks.

I've just seen your comment and did what you asked me to do and it is just like before , it only works with VPN

Someone7un7 commented 1 year ago

Problem is solved , now everything is ok and I can use Syncplay without vpn

Et0h commented 1 year ago

It's good to hear that the problem is solved, although I'm not sure quite sure what changed.

Talkbullet commented 1 year ago

Hi, I also got the same problem while using Syncplay. Every 3-5 minutes the connection to the server disappears, although everything is fine with the Internet. Is there any way to fix this?

Windows 11, Syncplay v1.7.0 development, no VPN If you need to send any info, please let me know.

Et0h commented 1 year ago

@Talkbullet A few questions:

  1. What country are you connecting from?
  2. Are you directly connected to the Internet or using ethernet or WiFi?
  3. What is your Internet connection? It is Cable internet? Fibre? ADSL? Mobile?
  4. What result do you get from ?

If you are able to run your own server then please do so and see if you have the same issues.

Talkbullet commented 1 year ago


  1. Lithuania
  2. Using provider's router
  3. Sometimes wi-fi, but most of the time with cable

Don't know how to start my own server, so i can't check it

Talkbullet commented 1 year ago


Hi again, after the update it started giving errors like this. Any ideas what it could mean? Repeats every 5 or 15 minutes. image

Et0h commented 1 year ago

@Talkbullet When it disconnects does it successfully reconnect quickly and without issue?

Syncplay's client and server both talk regularly to stay in sync and both use a timeout threshold of 12.5 seconds. This means that if 12.5 seconds has passed since the last relevant update they assume that the connection has failed and reconnect. What I don't know is what the timeout is from the TCP/TLS protocol which Syncplay servers and clients use - I assume it is whatever the default is for Endpoints (or is it something set at an OS level?).

Syncplay's timeouts might be more strict than some systems, but it prevents situations where you can be disconnected for a long time and nobody realises it because the server and clients think the connection is still alive when it is not (which I seem to recall being an issue with Mumble, at least in the past). It might also be the case that other systems do reconnecting silently so you don't even know you were disconnected and reconnected.

Disconnection could potentially happen more frequently if you either have a flakey connection to your ISP, or if the connection between the ISP and Syncplay's public servers (which are hosted in France) is flakey.

A separate issue is if the server has been on too long and needs to be restarted to work reliably again. In my understanding it has not been long since the server was last restarted, and it'd start effecting a lot more people. However, you can always try a different port (I think to see if it helps.

Something else you could try is to use a third-party client such as and see if the issue still occurs.

Finally, you could try running you own server (or getting a friend to do so) following the instructions at

soredake commented 8 months ago


Meh, syncplay worked fine for some years, now i'm getting this on 8999 port.

Et0h commented 8 months ago

Thanks for reporting this issue. The port 8999 instance on the Syncplay server has been restarted and so should be working fine now. As far as I can tell the other instances were unaffected.

soredake commented 8 months ago

@Et0h can you make servers auto-restart after some time? This will probably help with this issue.

soredake commented 6 months ago

8999 / 8998 both unusable for me without vpn, again, this issue needs a solution.

Et0h commented 6 months ago

The server has been restarted and has now been set to automatically restart on the first and third Monday of the month at 9am France time. We have also adjusted the power profile to more performance oriented one. Let us know if you have any future issues.

soredake commented 6 months ago


Unfortunately it seems that restarting server is not enough to fix this.

Et0h commented 6 months ago

The problem is therefore probably not with Syncplay but somewhere else on the route from your PC to the Syncplay public servers, e.g. your ISP. Your best option might be to run your own Syncplay server.

soredake commented 6 months ago

The problem is therefore probably not with Syncplay but somewhere else on the route from your PC to the Syncplay public servers, e.g. your ISP.

It happens to me and two of my friends, we all live in different countries. This also happens on another server

Your best option might be to run your own Syncplay server.

I'll try this.

soredake commented 4 months ago

My self-hosted syncplay instance started giving similar (clean instead of non-clean) problems after a month without reboot, after rebooting frequent disconnects are stopped for now.