PET Image Reconstruction Challenge 2024
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one example notebook #5

Open paskino opened 2 months ago

paskino commented 2 months ago
  1. [x] download data
  2. [x] run NEMA reconstruction (BSREM Algorithm)
  3. [x] get ROIs
  4. [x] run metrics
  5. [x] dummy Algorithm for users to implement custom reconstruction with
KrisThielemans commented 2 months ago
  1. download data

for an example notebook, this shouldn't be there. Instead, it should download the prepared data from wherever we put it.

[ ] dummy Algorithm for users to implement custom reconstruction with

But BSREM is already one? Maybe not with the callbacks though.

paskino commented 1 month ago

BSREM is a CIL Algorithm, hence callback are already useable.

paskino commented 3 weeks ago

This is what I have so far

import os
from sirf import STIR as pet
from sirf.contrib.partitioner import partitioner
from cil.optimisation.functions import SGFunction
from cil.optimisation.algorithms import GD
from cil.utilities.display import show2D 
from cil.optimisation.utilities import Sampler
from cil.optimisation.utilities.callbacks import TextProgressCallback, ProgressCallback

# engine's messages go to files, except error messages, which go to stdout
_ = pet.MessageRedirector('info.txt', 'warn.txt')
# Needed for get_subsets()
# fewer message from STIR and SIRF


acquired_data = pet.AcquisitionData('prompts.hs')

additive_term = pet.AcquisitionData('additive.hs')

mult_factors = pet.AcquisitionData('multfactors.hs')

# somewhat crazy initialisation, currently hand-tuned scale
initial_image = pet.ImageData('20170809_NEMA_MUMAP_UCL.hv')+.5

initial_image=initial_image.zoom_image(zooms=(1,1,1), offsets_in_mm=(0,0,0), size=(-1,200,200))

num_subsets = 7
data, acq_models, obj_funs = partitioner.data_partition(acquired_data, additive_term, mult_factors, num_subsets, mode='staggered', initial_image=initial_image)

osem_sol = initial_OSEM(acquired_data, additive_term, mult_factors, initial_image)
# add RDP prior to the objective functions
step_size = 1e-7
add_regulariser = True
if add_regulariser:
    alpha = 5
    epsilon = initial_image.max()*1e-4
    prior = add_RDP(alpha, epsilon, obj_funs)
    step_size = 1e-10

#set up and run the stochastic gradient descent algorithm
sampler = Sampler.random_without_replacement(len(obj_funs))
F = - SGFunction(obj_funs, sampler=sampler)
alg = GD(initial=osem_sol, objective_function=F, step_size=step_size)

alg.update_objective_interval = num_subsets * 1, callbacks=[TextProgressCallback()])

cmax = .15
im_slice = 70

       title=['OSEM',f"SGD epoch {alg.iteration/num_subsets}"], cmap="PuRd", fix_range=[(0, 0.2),(0,0.2)])
KrisThielemans commented 3 weeks ago
# somewhat crazy initialisation, currently hand-tuned scale
initial_image = pet.ImageData('20170809_NEMA_MUMAP_UCL.hv')+.5

initial_image=initial_image.zoom_image(zooms=(1,1,1), offsets_in_mm=(0,0,0), size=(-1,200,200))
osem_sol = initial_OSEM(acquired_data, additive_term, mult_factors, initial_image)

will need to become

initial_image = pet.ImageData('OSEM_image.hv')

We'll use need

kappa_image = pet.ImageData('penalty_weights.hv')

and construct the prior using that. With that, we can provide a function

def construct_RDP(penalty_strength, initial_image, kappa):
    construct RDP prior, set epsilon etc.
    prior = sirf.STIR.RelativeDifferencePrior()
    # make it differentiable
    epsilon = initial_image.max()*1e-4
    return prior

As part of the example, we can then have

def add_prior(prior, obj_funs):
    add prior evenly to every objective function.

    WARNING: modifies the prior to divide the penalty_strength by the number of `obj_funs`
    prior.set_penalisation_factor(pror.get_penalisation_factor ()/ len(obj_funs));
    for f in obj_funs:

The add_RDP will have to be part of what they do, so timings would then need to encompass

num_subsets = 7
data, acq_models, obj_funs = partitioner.data_partition(acquired_data, additive_term, mult_factors, num_subsets, mode='staggered', initial_image=initial_image)
add_RDP(prior, obj_funs)
step_size = 1e-10

#set up and run the stochastic gradient descent algorithm
sampler = Sampler.random_without_replacement(len(obj_funs))
F = - SGFunction(obj_funs, sampler=sampler)
alg = GD(initial=osem_sol, objective_function=F, step_size=step_size)
# optional, you might want to disable this
alg.update_objective_interval = num_subsets
# This would need changing for the actual timing * 1, callbacks=[TextProgressCallback()])

So, their algo needs to get acquired_data, additive_term, mult_factors, prior and run from there. So, maybe we subclass Algorithm to PETRICAlgorithm which has an __init__ taking all of that, and they have to subclass from that. How that would work with using a given CIL algo, I'm not sure.

paskino commented 3 weeks ago

I think, Python wise, we could make use of multiple inheritance and define these things with a PETRICInterface, then people would subclass as class WinningAlgo(Algorithm, PETRICInterface). The term interface is from Java.

paskino commented 2 weeks ago

The kappa image is described here and I could calculate it.

Where is it pre-calculated?

paskino commented 2 weeks ago

I updated the code above and pushed to

KrisThielemans commented 1 week ago

initial_OSEM has to be removed, construct_RDP and penalty_factor, 'kappa' needs to be as in (currently still in #16 )

KrisThielemans commented 1 week ago

Notebook should show how to download one data-set.

KrisThielemans commented 1 week ago

Should use ISTA. Not pushed yet?