SyneRBI / SIRF-SuperBuild

SIRF CMake SuperBuild
Apache License 2.0
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Older version of STIR added to include path #414

Open ALEXJAZZ008008 opened 4 years ago

ALEXJAZZ008008 commented 4 years ago

If I select for STIR to be built with ITK I get the following error when trying to use stir_math with ITK:

FactoryRegistry: key ITK not found in current registry
2 possible values are:

Using value corresponding to key "None"

WARNING: KeyParser warning: unrecognized keyword: itk output file format parameters

WARNING: KeyParser warning: unrecognized keyword: default extension

WARNING: KeyParser warning: unrecognized keyword: end itk output file format parameters

Error parsing output file format from /home/alex/Documents/jrmomo/interfile_to_pet/data/par/stir_math_ITK_output_file_format.par

With this par file:

output file format parameters:=
; sample .par file that can be used with stir_math to specify the
; output file format
; See the stir::OutputFileFormat hierarchy for possible values.
; here we use ITK (so this will only work if you linked STIR with ITK)
; Example usage to convert an image (in any format that STIR can read) to 
; a file format that ITK can write:
; convert input.hv to MetaIO
;    stir_math --output-format stir_math_ITK_output_file_format.par output.mhd input.hv
; use the default extension to determine the file format (here set too Nifti)
;    stir_math --output-format stir_math_ITK_output_file_format.par output input.hv

output file format type := ITK
ITK Output File Format Parameters:=
  ; use Nifti as output (could also use .mhdr, .nhdr etc)
  default extension:=.nii
End ITK Output File Format Parameters:=

There are no build errors.

KrisThielemans commented 4 years ago

it didn't find ITK when building. Please give more info. Also have a look at ITK_DIR in builds/STIR/build/CMakeCache.txt

ALEXJAZZ008008 commented 4 years ago

ITK_DIR does not exist in builds/STIR/build/CMakeCache.txt although DISABLE_ITK does and is set to ON which would explain my problem. In the SuperBuild there is no option to set DISABLE_ITK.

While looking I also found:

//No help, variable specified on the command line.

//disable use of HDF5 libraries

Which either seems wrong or redundant.

rijobro commented 4 years ago

From SuperBuild USE_ITK=ON.

DISABLE_HDF5_SUPPORT:BOOL is a variable that no longer exists. if you delete it, it won't/shouldn't come back.

ALEXJAZZ008008 commented 4 years ago

I have USE_ITK on, I am building ITK I am certain of that, I'm not using system ITK (even though I have it) because usually I have fewer problems with the SuperBuild if I allow it to do everything itself. Regardless DISABLE_ITK is on.

I cloned into a new directory for this yesterday so there must be remnants of DISABLE_HDF5_SUPPORT somewhere.

rijobro commented 4 years ago

I have USE_ITK on, I am building ITK I am certain of that, I'm not using system ITK (even though I have it) because usually I have fewer problems with the SuperBuild if I allow it to do everything itself. Regardless DISABLE_ITK is on.

Shouldn't happen because of code snippet below, but I can't say more without seeing logs. Is this in a clean build location? If STIR had DISABLE_ITK as a cached variable, for example, the SB wouldn't overwrite it.

I cloned into a new directory for this yesterday so there must be remnants of DISABLE_HDF5_SUPPORT somewhere.

With master branch of SB? Are you running with an install script? Is it possible that you're setting it there?

KrisThielemans commented 4 years ago

Talking to @ALEXJAZZ008008 this was likely a case of running the SB with STIR_DISABLE_ITK=OFF first and then rerunning with ON. It might therefore be a case where the STIR cache settings are not updated (I wouldn't know why, or how that changed since recently).

By the way, there's which tells you that the CMake ExternalProject stuff doesn't always update the CMake-cache of the dependent projects the way that you hope it does. I don't know if this is related or not.

rijobro commented 4 years ago

looks like DISABLE_ITK gets set to ON, but doesn't get switched back off.

@ALEXJAZZ008008 can you try adding this below the block:

  if (USE_ITK)
rijobro commented 4 years ago


 if (NOT USE_ITK) 
   if (USE_SYSTEM_ITK)   
ALEXJAZZ008008 commented 4 years ago

The TOF branch of STIR tagged at 3.1 and a version of SIRF which will build with this can be built using ALEXJAZZ008008/SIRF-SuperBuild_super_build as:

./ 15 -c -2

However the master branch of SIRF cannot be built at the moment, see the issue over there.

KrisThielemans commented 4 years ago

Here's the link to your script

i don't see anything special/relevant in the script aside from that it wipes any previous builds, but feel free to correct me.

KrisThielemans commented 4 years ago

We looked at this, and the issue was that CMake included an include path where an older version of STIR was installed, even though STIR_DIRS was ok. We didn't manage to find out which find_package statement was the culprit.

This is likely caused by to the somewhat wide search settings used by find_package, see In particular, we suspected step 5 "Search the standard system environment variables." @ALEXJAZZ008008 had the old version of SIRF in his PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH by sourcing its

It might be possible to narrow the search, but that could also be undesirable.

@ALEXJAZZ008008 could you confirm if you solved this by deleting the old SIRF install path, or by not calling