SyneRBI / SIRF-SuperBuild

SIRF CMake SuperBuild
Apache License 2.0
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[docker/VM] use libinsighttoolkit5-dev as opposed to building ITK #886

Open KrisThielemans opened 3 months ago

KrisThielemans commented 3 months ago

This should speed things up, as well as make future builds faster

KrisThielemans commented 3 months ago

The job with -DUSE_SYSTEM_HDF5=OFF fails with

[ 80%] Linking CXX executable cstir_test4
/usr/bin/ld: /home/runner/install/lib/libIO.a(GEHDF5Wrapper.cxx.o): undefined reference to symbol '_ZNK2H510H5Location11openDataSetEPKcRKNS_15DSetAccPropListE@@HDF5_CPP_1.10.3'
/usr/bin/ld: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
gmake[5]: *** [src/xSTIR/cSTIR/tests/CMakeFiles/cstir_test4.dir/build.make:366: src/xSTIR/cSTIR/tests/cstir_test4] Error 1

This could be because STIR found the system ITK (which will use system HDF5). That would create confusion with the one we build ourselves. However, it shouldn't have happened as it's currently run with USE_SYSTEM_ITK=OFF .

I see some other things about potential conflicts at run-time, but I think those are ok

CMake Warning at /usr/local/share/cmake-3.28/Modules/UseSWIG.cmake:939 (add_library):
  Cannot generate a safe runtime search path for target _stir because files
  in some directories may conflict with libraries in implicit directories:

    runtime library [] in /usr/lib may be hidden by files in:

So, I'm not sure... @casperdcl @paskino any idea?