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Subliminal 0.7.5-11 Synology #1561

Closed Tbright67 closed 6 years ago

Tbright67 commented 9 years ago

I just updated to Subliminal 0.7.5-11 on my DS212j. I tryed to run the pakage but I am getting the following error

Scan failed: ´module´ object has no attribute ´Pool´



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Dr-Bean commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the info. I've deactivated the package for now. Seems I've missed a couple dependencies...

Tbright67 commented 9 years ago

How ca I revert to the previous version?

Dr-Bean commented 9 years ago

You'll have to uninstall 0.7.5, install 0.6.4 for that. Take note of the settings in the gui if you want to go that route, that makes it easier to set it up again.

wimaxx commented 9 years ago

Same pb for me, but i have also 2.7.9-13 python update so i'm stuck?

fabekoma commented 9 years ago

Cant you desinstall Python and Reinstall the 2.7.8-11 version from Regards.

wimaxx commented 9 years ago

i'll test, but not sure its possible if they only publish the latest version of python

wimaxx commented 9 years ago

i have uninstall subliminal and python and reinstall them but python is in the same version and subliminal now wont start like this

Dr-Bean commented 9 years ago

A beta package of Subliminal 0.7.5-12 has been published on the repository. For people willing to test this version, enable Yes, I want to see beta versions! on the beta tab of the Package Center settings. Please provide your feedback here.

Note that due to major changes in Subliminal, this package is not backwards compatible. You need to uninstall the previous package first.

ronaldtveen commented 9 years ago

I was able to install it and it is running now. I've setup the directories, but I have no clue on what settings I should leave default or change (new to subliminal), but I guess that is beside this issue.

I tried hitting the [scan] button (with a directory path selected) but nothing happens. The log remains empty (besides date:INFO:root:Starting).

Dr-Bean commented 9 years ago

Some (outdated) help information can be found here: You'll have to read past the HTML tags though.

As for the scan button, it seems you're right that it doesn't work...I didn't test that. As an alternative, enable tasks on the other tab, and add a time to scan (hours and minutes). By default, files to 7 days will be scanned, you can up that to 30 days.

wimaxx commented 9 years ago

i also have installed the beta successfully and programmed the program for a task, it works :+1: Like Neejoh the button [recherche](in french) doesnt do anything.

yulbeast commented 9 years ago

Uninstalled previous version and installed 0.7.5-12 Now entered some settings and it freezes saving the settings. DSM 5.1-5022 Update 4 Python version is 2.7.9-13

Dr-Bean commented 9 years ago

@yulbeast: Some details would be nice, because this is not a whole lot to go on. What were you trying to enter, and does it make a difference if you don't enter that? Does the log (see Package Center link) provide any info (probably not, but myabe we're lucky)?

/edit: for other readers, the scan button is confirmed broken. Use the task setup instead (or CLI, if you prefer that of course)

Cartman25 commented 9 years ago

Hi !

I just setup the 0.7.5-12.

Setup is OK Configure is OK

But i tried to launch manually a scan for a show but i got this error

NAS> /usr/local/subliminal/env/bin/subliminal -l fr -s addic7ed /volume1/TV_Shows/12\ Monkeys/Season\ 01/12\ Monkeys\ -\ S01E13\ -\ Arms\ of\ Mine\ -\ BATV.mkv -v INFO [] Scanning video u'12 Monkeys - S01E13 - Arms of Mine - BATV.mkv' in u'/volume1/TV_Shows/12 Monkeys/Season 01' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/subliminal/env/bin/subliminal", line 11, in sys.exit(subliminal()) File "/usr/local/subliminal/env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/subliminal/", line 140, in subliminal if not os.path.exists(p)]) File "/usr/local/subliminal/env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/subliminal/", line 66, in fromguess raise ValueError('The guess must be an episode or a movie guess') ValueError: The guess must be an episode or a movie guess

yulbeast commented 9 years ago

The registry log just shows the start and stop (INFO:root:starting and stopping) I just tried filling minimum settings: Opensubtitles in services and 1 in maximum depth.

One curious thing: some text box prompts have disappeared (Services, multiple subtitles and maximum depth). I mean, the text box and check box is there , but there is no prompt.

I remember I had to do some things months ago, when I updated the previous subliminal non beta version, because it stopped working due to guessit version. This is what I did on that ocasion:

/usr/local/subliminal/env/bin/pip uninstall guessit rm -rf /volume1/@appstore/subliminal/env/build/guessit /usr/local/subliminal/env/bin/pip install guessit==0.7.0

Maybe I have to reinstall python or guessit to have a fresh install. What guessit version is suposed to be good?

Dr-Bean commented 9 years ago

@Cartman25: You're not using the correct arguments for Subliminal (the previous version used different arguments). Take a look here: Probably should look something like /usr/local/subliminal/env/bin/subliminal -l fr -p addic7ed -v /volume1/your_video, but please verify that yourself.

Dr-Bean commented 9 years ago

@yulbeast As I mentioned in the announcement, Subliminal has been updated, that's why the interface looks different. Some old options are renamed, some are removed and some new options have been added. In short: The maximum depth option was removed, Services has been renamed to Providers, multi is renamed to No language code (the behavior was reversed in Subliminal). Take a look at the link in my previous comment too, that shows the arguments that can be used on the command line: those are the same options that are available in the interface (with one or two exceptions that are not available)

Guessit is provided as part of the package, so there's no need for updating or changing that.

yulbeast commented 9 years ago

Do you mean that in this 0.7.5-12 version the gui is outdated and I have to configure via command line?

Dr-Bean commented 9 years ago

No, that's not what I said. The link I provided gives you some additional insight in to what the options in the interface means.

yulbeast commented 9 years ago

Then something must have gone wrong with my installation, because my gui still shows "maximum depth" text box, without prompt text and considers its value required. image

I'm going to try uninstalling both subliminal and python and starting from scratch.

Dr-Bean commented 9 years ago

No need to uninstall Python if you got that from our repo. Please do try and uninstall/reinstall Subliminal, because that looks broken to me too ;)

yulbeast commented 9 years ago

No luck. Uninstall and install a couple of times (even python), and it's still broken. Any idea on how to fully remove it to start from scratch?

yulbeast commented 9 years ago

I tried this: Uninstall subliminal beta Remove beta from package config Install subliminal 0.6.4-10 Try to run it, but I get an error, something like cannot run package service Registry log is empty.

Cartman25 commented 9 years ago

@Dr-Bean Thanks for your comment, it works great with the good command !

I was too dumb to copy & paste my old command without checking arguments ...

Dr-Bean commented 9 years ago

@yulbeast Not sure what you're trying to do? Subliminal 0.6.4-10 cannot be installed if Python 2.7.9-13 is used, and Subliminal 0.7.5-13 has been published to rectify that. The latter has been published as a beta package for now, until we're sure things are working correctly. Please (re)read this comment: on how to install the beta package.

@Cartman25 Good to hear :)

yulbeast commented 9 years ago

I did it just like the comment the first time, but it didn't work. It just freezes trying to save the settings with the broken screen that I sent before.

Dr-Bean commented 9 years ago

@yulbeast Must be some kind of remaining dir or something, because the interface seems to be some weird combination of old and new. Did you ever install Subliminal in a different way then directly from the repository? Because that's not normal behavior ;)

Maybe try this: Remove Subliminal. Check if /volume1/@appstore/subliminal, var/packages/subliminal and /usr/syno/synoman/webman/3rdparty/subliminal/ don't exist (if so, probably want to remove them). Then try again.

yulbeast commented 9 years ago

I installed it from the repository. Now I cannot access via ssh because I'm not at home (I'm connecting with quickconnect). I'll try it when I am back home.

G1zm0 commented 9 years ago

I believe thesubdb, podnapisi, addic7ed are not yet supported in this version. But maybe I'm doing something wrong

DEBUG    [subliminal.api-download_best_subtitles:213] Skipping provider 'thesubdb': not in the list
WARNING  [subliminal.api-download_best_subtitles:226] Provider 'opensubtitles' is not available, discarding it
DEBUG    [subliminal.api-download_best_subtitles:227] ProviderNotAvailable error: ''
DEBUG    [subliminal.api-download_best_subtitles:213] Skipping provider 'addic7ed': not in the list
DEBUG    [subliminal.api-download_best_subtitles:213] Skipping provider 'podnapisi': not in the list
INFO     [subliminal.api-download_best_subtitles:254] Listing subtitles with provider 'tvsubtitles' for video 

The uninstall and install of the new package worked.

Dr-Bean commented 9 years ago

@G1zm0 Need more info there too, because those providers are working here. Are you using CLI or the UI?

G1zm0 commented 9 years ago

I'm using CLI. My command looks like this: NAS>python /usr/local/subliminal/env/bin/subliminal -l nl -p opensubtitles thesubdb podnapisi addic7ed tvsubtitles -v --debug /volume1/to_my_video

This was a test when using '-p' for every provider it only recognizes the latest provider.

Dr-Bean commented 9 years ago

Check the CLI documentation link a bit further up, if you want to know which/how args are supported. Anyway, can't reproduce it. Not sure what causes a not in the list message to be returned in Subliminal, but it almost looks like connectivity issues.

G1zm0 commented 9 years ago

Found that I used -a 14 instead of -a 2w This messed up everything. It is now working

qsomazzi commented 9 years ago


I'm new with subliminal and I've installed the beta version, and seems to work but with some littles issues :

Thanks for your work !

Dr-Bean commented 9 years ago

The age restriction prevents you from sending useless requests at one time to a provider. The way Subliminal works is that it will send out requests to the providers each time a scan is run for each file that does not have a subtitle. For older files, it's not likely that a subtitle will suddenly turn up, because there's no transcriber/translator working on it. So, especially with older files, there's a big chance a whole bunch of unnecessary requests will be sent out each time a scan is run. What you're actually asking for is a one-time scan of a backlog in videos without a subtitle, and this Subliminal package does not provide that option.

If I'm not mistaken, the scan failure means that a set of files was already scanned, so Subliminal knows it won't need to scan the set again. A restart of Subliminal resets the cache.

As an aside: providers are in no way obligated to provide access to their subtitles to you via Subliminal. They can block you at their discretion, especially if you're hammering their site/api with a lot of requests, so Subliminal in general, and this package in particular attempts to prevent that with some limitations. The providers don't receive (ad) revenue from requests that come in via Subliminal for instance, so if you want to keep your favorite provider up, visit their site directly every once in a while, and/or support them via whatever means they provide.

qsomazzi commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the answer, i get it now :)

yulbeast commented 9 years ago

Don't know how it happened, but after a DSM upgrade to DSM 5.1-5022 Update 5 and reboot, I uninstalled subliminal and reinstalled, and now at least I get the proper property sheet and the log shows the running scan, so it seems to run.

Is there any way to set the folder depth of the scan? (the maximum-depth property disappeared, well, it didn't work for me in previous version either)

quickchocapic commented 9 years ago


I have just installed subliminal v 0.7.5-12. I have planned a task to scan at a given time, but no subtitles are downloaded (the video for which I want the substitles is one day old and the substitles are on the addict7d website). The log gives only this :

14:25:01:INFO:root:Running scan

but nothing happens, and the CPU of my NAS doesn't change so I guess it isn't doing anything. I tried to uninstall/install again but still the same.

Does anyone have this problem and is there a solution ?


Dr-Bean commented 9 years ago

@quickchocapic Make sure Subliminal has permissions on the folders you want to scan. So, set read/write permissions for the users group (the final package will use #1649) on the (parent) folders via the DSM interface.

yulbeast commented 9 years ago

As I said, now it's installed, but doesn't work for me. The log seems ok. It runs at scheduled time, but doesn't get any sub.

I connected to the synology via ssh, with root , and tried command line, but always get this error: subliminal: error: argument -c/--cache-file: directory u'/root/.config' for cache file does not exist

Dr-Bean commented 9 years ago

@yulbeast If you're using the UI, and Subliminal doesn't end up with subs (on files that are less than 30 days old or whatever you specified as age in the UI), then check if the users group has sufficient permissions on the folders you want to scan. I mentioned that in my previous comment too.

If you are using the CLI, check one of my other previous messages which contains a link to the CLI documentation. The error is telling you that you can't use the default cache file location, so you should add a -c CACHE_FILE argument.

yulbeast commented 9 years ago

Thanks. I created a /root/.config folder with mkdir and now CLI works!!! I'm gonna delete the subtitle and try again with the UI. I also added write permission to users group on the folder where I store original version videos

quickchocapic commented 9 years ago

Hi Dr-Bean, it works great !

Thanks a lot for your work !

yulbeast commented 9 years ago

Still no luck, CLI works but GUI doesn't. I've set r/w permissions to users group on the folder where I have the file. The process starts because its in the log, but no subs are retrieved. I think the log is very short ... Is there any place where you can set a debug level to see the command output?

Dr-Bean commented 9 years ago

@yulbeast You can turn on the logging level by changing some code, over here. Obviously you need to restart Subliminal after doing that. As for the problem itself, can you give an example (anonymized) of a file location? Is it located in /volume1/shared_folder/file, or one or more levels deeper? And if it's located on one or more levels deeper, what are the permissions of the users group for each individual level?

yulbeast commented 9 years ago

The folder is /volume1/video/series v.o/aGoT/T5

wait, I granted permissions to users group on the last folder (T5), but didn't check parents. Should I grant r/w to users beginning with volume1? Is it secure?

Dr-Bean commented 9 years ago

The users group needs at least traverse directories (or traverse folders, whatever Synology calls it), on all those directories. Except for the last one: there users needs rw.

yulbeast commented 9 years ago

I added all the read permissions to users (traverse/execute is one of them). I cannot do it with /volume1 because I'm using the filestation web gui (I cannot access with ssh from here) and root folder in filestation begins under volume1 , so you don't see volume1 anywhere.

I'll try later when I'm at ssh reach, and there I'll be able to issue a chmod

Dr-Bean commented 9 years ago

No need to change /volume1 itself. The shared folder is the highest level that you need to set permissions on.

xmenxmen commented 9 years ago

Hi. I made a folder with only on movie inside just to try Subliminal . I added all the read/write permissions to admin and guest,for that folder. I made the path to the folde with the Subliminal GUI. As i have read here, the manual scan dont work, So i set it to 1 hour and 1 min. After 3 hours i tjek no subtitles downloaded. The movie i have in the folder i know there are subtitles to it. Regard.