SynoCommunity / spksrc

Cross compilation framework to create native packages for the Synology's NAS
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DSM 6.0 Released - Report success/issues with packages here #2207

Closed GoodOmens83 closed 6 years ago

GoodOmens83 commented 8 years ago

Seems Synology has released DSM 6.0 (Just got notice to update).

Starting this topic to track all issues with packages etc. during the upgrade process.

Few things if you want to report a broken package:

Other things to note:

Broken: Haproxy, Myalr, transmission Working: Umurmur, pyload (after reboot), sonarr (after switching to official Mono package - see below)

Want to back this issue? Post a bounty on it! We accept bounties via Bountysource.

GoodOmens83 commented 8 years ago

I'll give my two cents:

Upgraded to DSM 6 from 5.2 Model: 1515+ Working (I stopped all packages before the upgrade): Emby ( based on @cytec's beta pull including Mono and ffmpeg 2.8.x) , ruTorrent, SIckrage (Sickbeard custom), Couchpotato, and Git.

Only issue I see thus far is the previously reported ruTorrent and complaint about unzip. DSM6 has removed unzip in favor of z7ip. Will look into either customizing ruTorrent to use z7zip or just include it in the build package.

jrozelle commented 8 years ago

Hello Upgrade from 5.2 to DSM 6.0-7321 DS1511+ Working : Sickbeard-custom Couchpotato-custom HTPC manager Git

Not working : None find yet :-)

houmie commented 8 years ago

Clean install of DSM 6.0-7321 on brand new DS716+.

Transmission 2.92-12 installed successfully. However Can't get it started.

Mar 26 12:50:36 xServer [56700.016770] init: pkgctl-transmission pre-start process (30248) terminated with status 1
Mar 26 12:50:36 xServer synoscgi_SYNO.Core.Package.Control_1_start[30168]: servicecfg_internal_lib.c:187 Failed to start job [pkgctl-transmission][0xD900 manager.cpp:145]
Mar 26 12:50:37 xServer synoscgi_SYNO.Core.Package.Control_1_start[30168]: service_initjob_action.c:27 InitJobStart failed, [0xD900 manager.cpp:145]
Mar 26 12:50:37 xServer synoscgi_SYNO.Core.Package.Control_1_start[30168]: pkgstartstop.cpp:253 Failed to start pkgctl-transmission (err=-1) [0xD900 manager.cpp:145]

Changing /etc/passwd from /sbin/nologin to /bin/sh didn't help.

rp4k commented 8 years ago

Working FIX for SABNZBD. 1.0 on DSM 6.0 after upgrading to DSM6.0 from DSM 5.2 and Upgrading packages.

What i had to do was go into the Control Panel > privileges Tab > and give user group access to Download station and rsync. this will fix the not being able to write to folder error.. for getting the package to start you must add new user "SABnzbd" in the user group and give it full permissions plus you also must create a new group "SABnzbd" this will allow the package to start . Next if you still are getting issues with it not being able to create folder after something downloads you go to Shared Folder section in File station and you right click on the folder you have installed it to and where the incomplete and complete folders are and you right click and select permissions , make sure to give full read and write access to USER group and SABNZB group .

this is how i fixed my sabnzb  after upgrading the package when i went from DSM 5.2 to DSM6  a few days ago.. now my SAB works fine again. i hope this helps .
Dr-Bean commented 8 years ago

Creating a user manually is not a fix. It is a workaround, and has a large chance of breaking with every package update... As stated in the first post, changes like this are at your own risk.

Please do not discuss this type of workaround on this tracker, you're no longer using a supported SynoCommunity package if you do use it, and as such, it does not belong here.

jrozelle commented 8 years ago

I've tried to install both RoundCube and Hordes, both the same error : Incorrect MySQL root password

DSM6 Related ?

thera314 commented 8 years ago


Haproxy stopped working with the DSM 6.0 update on my DS411+II. Exactly the same issue described by niawag :

At first it just kept loading but never displayed my config, then I uninstalled/reinstalled it and now it won't start at all.

Does it has something to do with the toolchains ? Your help will be greatly appreciated !

sdfv88 commented 8 years ago

Installed DSM 6.0-7321 on Test DS115j Clean install, Factory reset Deluge started once after reboot won't start Sabnzd won't start Sonarr won't start plex starts my DS214Play is staying on 5.2 until the DS115j works without issue

jstaro commented 8 years ago

Seconding the Deluge problem. It started once and then never again. The user deluge is now also gone (!).

milanaleksic commented 8 years ago

DS413j chroot Debian not working fully after upgrade from 5.2 to 6.0. /var/packages/debian-chroot/scripts/start-stop-status status says it's active, I can ssh into it but can confirm that services are not working and the web app for chroot is indefinitely updating, never showing list of services or overview

If I open console debugger in Chrome I see that AJAX fails while it tries to fetch services:

POST https://<servername>/3rdparty/debian-chroot/debian-chroot.cgi/direct/router 405 (Not Allowed)
sebachu commented 8 years ago

DS416j upgrade to DSM 6 from 5.2 with packages in place, services stopped.

Working: Nzbget Plex SickBeard

No problems so far! :)

lpinner commented 8 years ago

DS212j upgrade from 5.2 to DSM 6, SABnzbd 0.7.20-14 starts normally then exits after a few minutes with the following in the log:

2016-03-27 19:45:03,329::WARNING::[__init__:172] Signal 15 caught, saving and exiting...
2016-03-27 19:45:03,333::INFO::[nzbqueue:218] Saving queue
2016-03-27 19:45:03,335::INFO::[__init__:919] Saving data for queue9.sab in /usr/local/sabnzbd/var/admin/queue9.sab
2016-03-27 19:45:03,530::INFO::[__init__:919] Saving data for rss_data.sab in /usr/local/sabnzbd/var/admin/rss_data.sab
2016-03-27 19:45:03,533::INFO::[__init__:919] Saving data for bookmarks.sab in /usr/local/sabnzbd/var/admin/bookmarks.sab
2016-03-27 19:45:03,537::INFO::[__init__:919] Saving data for watched_data.sab in /usr/local/sabnzbd/var/admin/watched_data.sab
2016-03-27 19:45:03,634::INFO::[postproc:85] Saving postproc queue
2016-03-27 19:45:03,637::INFO::[__init__:919] Saving data for postproc1.sab in /usr/local/sabnzbd/var/admin/postproc1.sab

Happens after the DSM upgrade without reinstalling SABnzbd and after a clean reinstall of SABnzbd.

lpinner commented 8 years ago

DS212j upgrade from 5.2 to DSM 6, a fresh install of SABnzbd 1.0.0-5 won't start. Error:

# /var/packages/sabnzbd-testing/scripts/start-stop-status start
Starting SABnzbd Testing ...
su: Permission denied
Patrick1610 commented 8 years ago

Will Sonarr, NZBGet and Couchpotato get updates that will make them work with DSM 6 without the need of making changes to the code myself like suggested bij DontTurnAround? I am no hero with code and stuf but want to upgrade to DSM 6 eventually. Thanks! Running on a DS1515+

Wild4fire commented 8 years ago

After the upgrade, SABnzbd 0.7.20-14 worked fine, but due to DSM having switched to 7Zip from unzip it cannot unzip anything.

So I've tried SABnzbd Testing 1.0.0 RC5. Unfortunately enough, that package doesn't seem to be able to start at all...

CouchPotato worked fine btw. So did Sickbeard Custom.

(this is on a DS212+)

schumi2004 commented 8 years ago

Clean install TVHeadend fails:

"Port undefined configured for this package is either used by another service or reserved for system use. Please disable or modify the conflicting service, or contact the developer to modify the package configuration"

Reboot doesn't solve it.

Is port 9981 maybe blacklisted by DSM or something like that?

/resolved It seems some file was kept for some reason in /usr/local/etc/services.d removing file resolved it.

YvoBes commented 8 years ago

Regards, YvoBes

Wild4fire commented 8 years ago

I've read elsewhere that many SynoCommunity packages will run fine if they were present before upgrading, but doing a clean install will fail.

Seems most packages will need an update, especially SABnzbd as the 0.7.x release cannot unzip (error that the unzip binary is missing) and the testing branch of SABnzbd won't even start.

We'll just have to be patient and wait for the necessary updates...

mikkelnl commented 8 years ago

For what it's worth: having the same problem as mentioned before, Roundcube won't install because 'Incorrect mysql root password', on latest DSM 6.

Acill commented 8 years ago

DS214 did an auto update to 6.0

Mono starts, both the syno com one and the new one Sonarr 20150731-8 will not start. Tried fixes here with no luck and removed them all. NZBget starts, can get to the settings UI fine Transmission working as far as I can tell

I didnt set up sonarr with a custom use rlike others are mentioning. I just installed it and gave the folders it creates read/write access to all my media folders from what I remember. Its been at least a year trouble free up to now so hard to remember what I did in the beginning.

nikejumpman commented 8 years ago

DS214Play - DSM 6.0-7321

PlexConnect 0.5-12 won't start.

Logs : ... Webserver: Failed to connect to HTTPS on IP-add port 443: errno98 Address already in use Plexconnect: Webserver_ssl not alive. Shutting Down ...

tedstriker commented 8 years ago

DS214+ - DSM 6.0-7321 mosquitto doesn't start anymore. Anyhow logging in with mosquitto user account, executing run command from start-stop script manually, works. Don't know where to look for errors on start...

alexkoch89 commented 8 years ago

DSM 6.0 7321 (Fresh install) on NAS Synology DS 215j SickBeard custom 20151220-4 => Install ok => On start : "Fail on start repairing package". SickRage (SickBeard fork - git:// => Install ok => On start : "Fail on start repairing package". Home Assistant 20150526 : "Fail on start repairing package" Sonarr 20150731-8 Installation ok, but won't start even after getting Sonarr to run on the Synology Mono package. I don't understand why

Dom69 commented 8 years ago


An issue with Squidguard Manager "Sorry, the page you are looking for is not found"

All was ok with DSM 5.2

I've found the same issue here [] Perhaps changing the squiguard.cgi could help, but "this stuff" is not avalaible any more ... Could any one writes it back for me please?

Other ideas?

Best regards

DS 413 DSM 6.0-7321

Dom69 commented 8 years ago

Thank's to Dr-Bean for the squidguardmgr.cgi patch, will try when back home.

To be continued ...

big-b-2k commented 8 years ago

Problems here with Firefox Sync 1.5 Beta when trying to install/deinstall:

Error message is always: Incorrect MySQL root password

Countercheck of password with phpMyAdmin is OK.

Installation can be effected without setting the MySQL password for root, but unfortunately the packet cannot be started (OK - there's no DB entry). The weird thing is that I cannot uninstall it any more because of the request for the MySQL password and the following error message (see above)...

I've got a DS212+ with DSM 6.0-7321 installed.

Dom69 commented 8 years ago

Back home and ... squidguardmgr.cgi already includes the patch :-(

Has anybody got any ideas for my "Sorry, the page you are looking for is not found" ?

yolodolo commented 8 years ago

Any news for FFmpegWithDTS? Ex. FFmpegWithDTS-cedarview-1.0-0005.spk

edit Working! Set in Package center / Settings / Trustlevel / any publisher. Install.

FYI ffmpeg binary is also updated in dsm 6, ffmpeg version 2.7.1 instead of ffmpeg version 2.0.2.

raymondtrueman commented 8 years ago

SickRage package was working very well after the update, but then I backed up the config with intention of re-installing it. After the Uninstall, I can't find the SickRage package under "Community" anymore...? There is only a "SickBeard Custom" which I don't really want to use, I prefer the dedicated SickRage package

kidii commented 8 years ago

DS411slim - Clean install on DSM 6.0-7321 I can install Transmission 2.92-12, but when I want to run, I got this error: "failed to run the package service".

Edit: I created a user, called "transmission" with full access, and now works great.

UkeHa commented 8 years ago

tvheadend 4.1.1721-1 broken on DS214play with DSM 6.0-7321. It installs but doesn't start after the update image

Wild4fire commented 8 years ago

Correction - SABnzbd 0.7.20-14 does work fine anyway. Although it warns there's no unzip binary, it can unzip downloads without problems. Strange, but I'll take it! :) :+1:

R1skNt commented 8 years ago

Chroot is not working the window is not responding all the services are gone, this is just on DSM 6


tried after upgrade and on a fresh install

moodyblue commented 8 years ago

PlexConnect package had to be rewritten because in DSM6 Apache was replaced by nginx. But instuninst_restart_services does not forces nginx to reload the conf file, can this be fixed ? Coding nginx -s reload in the installer does not works either, therefore low-skilled users have to reboot the Syno so that nginx reloads the configuration.

Dr-Bean commented 8 years ago

PlexConnect is not a SynoCommunity package. I would suggest to report it to the person who maintains that package.

moodyblue commented 8 years ago

Thanks, but who is responsible to change instuninst_restart_services to support DSM6 ? The dev guide (page 28) does not mention nginx

Dr-Bean commented 8 years ago

Ask the person who provided you with the package. We have nothing to do with it.

deadlyknapsack commented 8 years ago

Can anyone confirm if the following packages are working correctly on a DS716+ running 6.0?


gornostal commented 8 years ago


Dr-Bean commented 8 years ago

@gornostal I have removed your message. See the first post as to why (workarounds, changing users), and the second paragraph of this comment fits too: you're running packages as root. Again, you're free to discuss it somewhere, but it does not fit here.

gornostal commented 8 years ago

@Dr-Bean, sorry I missed that comment.

alexkoch89 commented 8 years ago

When I Try to launch Sonarr with SSH with debug : sudo su - nzbdrone -s /bin/sh -c '/var/packages/Mono/target/usr/bin/mono --debug /usr/local/nzbdrone/share/NzbDrone/NzbDrone.exe'

I have the following error

[Fatal] ConsoleApp: EPIC FAIL!

System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path "/var/services/homes/nzbdrone" is denied.

Any idea ?

live4truths commented 8 years ago

My apologies if this has been said/asked/etc, before. I am simply looking for clarity to the situation as I am confused on the path I should take. I have always hidden on the sidelines and loved what Synocommunity has done in the past.

1) Are people actively working on resolving issues with packages? 2) Do we have a list of packages that work during upgrade? 3) Do we have a path to resolve the problems we do know about for existing packages?

Packages that are personally important to me: Plex/SABNZB/Sickrage(CustomBeard)/Headphones/CouchPotato

Thank you very much for your time.

Wild4fire commented 8 years ago

I can confirm that SABnzbd 0.7.20-14 works. It will complain that it cannot find the unzip binary, however your downloads will be unzipped anyway. Strange but true.

CouchPotato also works fine after the upgrade.

The normal SickBeard also works, but that doesn't necessarily mean that SickRage will do too.

Patrick1610 commented 8 years ago

Can you also confirm something about Sonarr and NZBget? I'm running on a 1515+

Wild4fire commented 8 years ago

Sorry, I don't run Sonarr and NZBget.

live4truths commented 8 years ago

Appreciate a few of your responses.

I am very much wanting to plunge head first into the upgrade, but extremely worried that I'll never be able to get things to work the way they were before. I am hoping I can just hit the upgrade button and I'm done.... In people's experiences is this not capable? Any thoughts to the questions I posed?

Thank you.

Wild4fire commented 8 years ago

As long as you're only running official Synology packages, you should be fine. If you're running packages from the community (like SynoCommunity) - then you might run into problems. Some packages work, some don't. It's a matter of finding experiences of users who have tried upgrading. :)

live4truths commented 8 years ago

Weird, I looked at this page right when you commented Wild4fire.. (I like the syntax of your name.. cough)...

I barely use any official synology packages, so that's definitely a concern, I think my largest hesitation is simply that there is so many unknowns in this - the largest community - that does custom packages. I am definitely not the most savvy user, but want to take advantage of the latest and greatest. :)

mparents2007 commented 8 years ago

Hi, I'll add that Plextivity won't start the service.

this is on a new install but with keeping ALL old data so not a clean new install