Synthesis-Collective / SynthEBD

Port of zEBD to Mutagen
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Headparts do not get assigned. #130

Closed SharDi0 closed 11 months ago

SharDi0 commented 11 months ago

I am trying to patch khajiits with humanoid headparts, made sure to add face texture to khajiit(although there's like 3 entries in log that still say that some npcs dont have textures) and then ran the patcher in synthesis. Esp I get has nothing changed in khajiit npcs. Headparts have khajiit race as allowed race and also set alias race as nord in case some headparts don't.

Piranha91 commented 11 months ago

Do you see a headparts .json file in your SynthEBD output?

edit: when you say headparts have Khajiit race as allowed race, is it only Khajiit race? Because if you have headparts that are only allowed for Khajiit, but your Khajiit are aliased as Nord, the patcher won’t have any headparts for them because it’ll treat them as Nords.

SharDi0 commented 11 months ago

After running standalone SynthEBD(since synthesis ignores my output folder) I've noticed it actually says that 0 npcs got patched, status log consists of just 2 entries about npcs and their tail data not being found. Output does have a HeadPartAssignements.json file.

P.S. No, headparts have all kinds of races allowed and usually remove khajiits, so there is always atleast nord allowed.

Edit: Upon closer inspection the skyrim data has synthebd with headpartssettings.json file.

Piranha91 commented 11 months ago

Do other non-khajiit NPCs get headparts? Can you zip up your settings files from SynthEBD\Settings (unless you're using a portable settings folder) and upload them?

SharDi0 commented 11 months ago

No, just tried to distribute some headparts on nords and while esp does have only nords listed, none of them have for an example ks hairdo's headpart.

Piranha91 commented 11 months ago

Are you getting any specific warnings in the output log? For example, when I try to patch headparts without also assigning skins, I get the following warning for Bijin NPCs:

Reverting headparts of NPC Carlotta Valentia (CarlottaValentia) 013B99-Skyrim.esm because no face texture was assigned by SynthEBD or its original plugin, but the NPC has a WNAM so SynthEBD HeadPart assignment would cause a neck seam.

This is related to the above issue - in this case the NPC has a custom skin but no custom face texture, so SynthEBD doesn't want to patch it in case applying the default racial skin from Skyrim.esm causes a neck seam with the custom body. Are you seeing anything like this for your Khajiits?

Otherwise, I tested distributing hair from KS Hairdos Light to Khajiit NPCs and had no issue (aside from some of the hairs clipping with khajiit heads). Couple options you can try:

1) Change the distribution probability from 50% to 100% image

2) Disable the custom facegen filter image

3) Make sure you added a default facetexture to khajiit NPCs and are no longer getting the headpart reversion message as per your OP. I just pushed an update to the Synthesis version of the patcher that handles this automatically for Khajiit and Argonian NPCs, but I'm not ready to release a new standalone version yet.

SharDi0 commented 11 months ago

Thanks, I think I got it working properly.