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Show profit/loss of synths held (on dashboard) #55

Open drptbl opened 3 years ago

drptbl commented 3 years ago

Description: It would be great to show current profit/loss of portfolio single positions and overall. Seems that somewhere on dashboard would be the best place to do it.

Maybe somewhere here, in brackets or as a new column:

Screenshot 2020-10-11 at 00 52 49

Or as a separate tab in dashboard.

Kwenta Elite feedback:

a profit/loss tab somewhere that shows the USD equivalent current profitability of synths held.
drptbl commented 3 years ago

Another related request.

Kwenta Elite feedback:

a green/red color code stat showing me my P&L for each synth balance / tx
Capture d’écran 2020-10-08 à 23 36 27

Could be implemented on both, "Synth Balances" and "Transactions" tabs.

drptbl commented 3 years ago

Another request.

Kwenta Elite feedback:

On Dashboard, traders woud like to see pnl on individual positions, what was the entry price etc....
drptbl commented 3 years ago

Another request.

Kwenta Elite feedback:

Please find a way to add Synth portfolio performance over time.