SynthstromAudible / DelugeFirmware
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Sounds can click when parameters are rapidly modulated. #1989

Open sapphire-arches opened 2 months ago

sapphire-arches commented 2 months ago

Large changes in many parameters (filter cutoff/resonance, master level, etc) cause clicks, we should probably use crossfade logic like what was added added for #932 to avoid this. It would require rendering the voice twice for a window but maybe that perf hit is worth avoiding the clicks?

ok-reza commented 2 months ago

I think this particular issue is expected based on the extreme modulation, I'm specifically noticing anything related to possible clicks is due to master level more than I am with filter/resonance. I can replicate a similar experience you've detailed with other analog synths, (they just don't have access to increase osc1 level if it's already all the way up, unlike the Deluge). Rendering double the voices seems like it would add up, and this feels more like user-side problem/inexperience than a particular audio issue..

sapphire-arches commented 2 months ago

yeah some of it is user error, but especially with automation view it's really easy to create automation that clicks

sapphire-arches commented 2 months ago

maybe there's nothing we can do, but I think with some clever math we can bandlimit automation

m-m-adams commented 2 months ago

Maybe we can put a temporary lpf on automation?

New value = (current value + automated value)/2 for like 2-3 render windows after a value change would probably do it