Queueing songs to launch in any Song view will switch songs based on the shortest clip currently playing finishing instead of the longest.
What is the expected behavior?
The longest clip of currently playing clips should play all the way through before switching to any queued-to-launch clips.
Is there a relevant Pull request?
No response
What hardware did you reproduce it with?
What firmware did you reproduce it with?
Release 1.0/Amadeus
What is the firmware name:
If possible provide the steps to reproduce the issue and upload additional media:
Make a synth clip of 2 bars, sequence notes.
Make a drum clip of 1 bar, sequence notes.
Make a third synth clip, sequence notes.
Make the first 2 clips one section color; blue, make the third a different section color; pink.
Mute pink and only play blue.
Before the first bar has finished, hit the pink launch pad; The pink clip will launch at the end of bar 1 instead of the end of the longest clip (in this case 2 bars).
Please describe the problem:
Queueing songs to launch in any Song view will switch songs based on the shortest clip currently playing finishing instead of the longest.
What is the expected behavior?
The longest clip of currently playing clips should play all the way through before switching to any queued-to-launch clips.
Is there a relevant Pull request?
No response
What hardware did you reproduce it with?
What firmware did you reproduce it with?
Release 1.0/Amadeus
What is the firmware name:
If possible provide the steps to reproduce the issue and upload additional media: