SyrianSpock / realsense_gazebo_plugin

Intel RealSense R200 Gazebo ROS plugin and model
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Is the topic:/r200/camera/depth/image_rect has been aligend to color image? #34

Open TouchDeeper opened 5 years ago

TouchDeeper commented 5 years ago

Hello, Is the topic:/r200/camera/depth/image_rect has been aligend to color image?

SyrianSpock commented 5 years ago

I don't understand the issue :sweat_smile: Is this related to #11 ?

TouchDeeper commented 5 years ago

Sorry, I have a mistake, "aligend" should be "aligned". The depth image is generated by the infrared camera. The color image is generated by the color camera. So there exists a transformation between raw depth image and raw color image. In general, the depth image will be transformed into the color image. that is the aligned depth image. But the topic published by the realsense_gazebo_plugin only has one topic about depth image, so I ask is the topic /r200/camera/depth/image_rect has been aligned to color image.

Maik93 commented 5 years ago

From my personal experience I hazard that depth and RGB images are not aligned. To rectify one of them on the other you could use depth_image_proc package, but I warn you: it's computationally heavy, use it if strictly necessary.

TouchDeeper commented 5 years ago

It seems like that depth and RGB images are not aligned indeed from the image below: 2019-04-21 09-33-19屏幕截图 You can see the color information of the left edge of the coke can have the shifts so it seems like be projected into the floor.

youliangtan commented 5 years ago

Hi, I also faced this alignment issue while trying to use this plugin. The quick fix is to make changes on realsense-RS200.macro.xacro urdf file. I just made a quick change to both the depth and color sensor input, making sure both <pose frame=""> values are the same. This will work, but it's not appropriate. Hopefully there will be future enhancement on this alignment.

Screenshot from 2019-10-09 13-35-08

Also, is there any plan to work on realsense d4XX series plugin?

kmfrick commented 4 years ago

I just made a quick change to both the depth and color sensor input, making sure both <pose frame=""> values are the same. This will work, but it's not appropriate.

Why is it not "appropriate"?