SysBioChalmers / Human-GEM

The generic genome-scale metabolic model of Homo sapiens
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Model does not grow on HAM minimal media #192

Closed raphyz closed 3 years ago

raphyz commented 4 years ago

Description of the issue:

I am trying to grow the model with the "ham" minimal media

The metabolites I was given of the Ham MM are: arginine histidine lysine methionine phenylalanine tryptophan tyrosine alanine glycine serine threonine aspartate glutamate asparagine glutamine isoleucine leucine proline valine cysteine thiamin hypoxanthine folate biotin pantothenate choline inositol nicotinamide pyridoxine riboflavin thymidine aquacob(III)alamin lipoic acid glucose sulfate linoleate linolenate O2 H2O retinoate Fe2+ Pi alpha-tocopherol gamma-tocopherol

converting them to exchange reactions in my model the list is: R_EX_HMR_9455,D-arginine_C6H15N4O2=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9038,histidine_C6H9N3O2=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9041,lysine_C6H15N2O2=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9042,methionine_C5H11NO2S=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9043,phenylalanine_C9H11NO2=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9045,tryptophan_C11H12N2O2=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9064,tyrosine_C9H11NO3=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9061,alanine_C3H7NO2=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9067,glycine_C2H5NO2=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9069,serine_C3H7NO3=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9044,threonine_C4H9NO3=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9070,aspartate_C4H6NO4=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9071,glutamate_C5H8NO4=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9062,asparagine_C4H8N2O3=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9063,glutamine_C5H10N2O3=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9039,isoleucine_C6H13NO2=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9040,leucine_C6H13NO2=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9394,D-proline_C5H9NO2=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9046,valine_C5H11NO2=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9065,cysteine_C3H7NO2S=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9159,thiamin_C12H17N4OS=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9358,hypoxanthine_C5H4N4O=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9146,folate_C19H18N7O6=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9109,biotin_C10H15N2O3S=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9145,pantothenate_C9H16NO5=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9083,choline_C5H14NO=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9361,inositol_C6H12O6=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9378,nicotinamide_C6H6N2O=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9144,pyridoxine_C8H11NO3=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9143,riboflavin_C17H20N4O6=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9423,thymidine_C10H14N2O5=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9269,aquacob(III)alamin_C62H90CoN13O15P=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9167,lipoic acid_C8H13O2S2=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9034,glucose_C6H12O6=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9074,sulfate_O4S=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9033,NEFA blood pool in_CHO2R=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9035,linoleate_C18H31O2=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9036,linolenate_C18H29O2=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9048,O2_O2=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9047,H2O_H2O=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9404,retinoate_C20H27O2=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9076,Fe2+_Fe=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9072,Pi_HO4P=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9151,alpha-tocopherol_C29H50O2=-50.0 R_EX_HMR_9153,gamma-tocopherol_C28H48O2=-50.0

However when trying to grow the model on this media I have zero biomass.

Do I have a mistake, as some of the metabolites are taken in the D- format. Thanks Raphy

JonathanRob commented 4 years ago

Hi @raphyz, thanks for posting the issue.

Here is the list of metabolite IDs and names corresponding to those in Ham's media as defined in the Human-GEM metabolic task list, as well as their corresponding exchange reaction that should be opened to enable biomass flux.

mets metNames rxns rxnEqns
m01365s arginine HMR_9066 arginine[s] <=>
m02125s histidine HMR_9038 histidine[s] <=>
m02426s lysine HMR_9041 lysine[s] <=>
m02471s methionine HMR_9042 methionine[s] <=>
m02724s phenylalanine HMR_9043 phenylalanine[s] <=>
m03089s tryptophan HMR_9045 tryptophan[s] <=>
m03101s tyrosine HMR_9064 tyrosine[s] <=>
m01307s alanine HMR_9061 alanine[s] <=>
m01986s glycine HMR_9067 glycine[s] <=>
m02896s serine HMR_9069 serine[s] <=>
m02993s threonine HMR_9044 threonine[s] <=>
m01370s aspartate HMR_9070 aspartate[s] <=>
m01974s glutamate HMR_9071 glutamate[s] <=>
m01369s asparagine HMR_9062 asparagine[s] <=>
m01975s glutamine HMR_9063 glutamine[s] <=>
m02184s isoleucine HMR_9039 isoleucine[s] <=>
m02360s leucine HMR_9040 leucine[s] <=>
m02770s proline HMR_9068 proline[s] <=>
m03135s valine HMR_9046 valine[s] <=>
m01628s cysteine HMR_9065 cysteine[s] <=>
m02982s thiamin HMR_9159 thiamin[s] <=>
m02159s hypoxanthine HMR_9358 hypoxanthine[s] <=>
m01830s folate HMR_9146 folate[s] <=>
m01401s biotin HMR_9109 biotin[s] <=>
m02680s pantothenate HMR_9145 pantothenate[s] <=>
m01513s choline HMR_9083 choline[s] <=>
m02171s inositol HMR_9361 inositol[s] <=>
m02583s nicotinamide HMR_9378 nicotinamide[s] <=>
m02817s pyridoxine HMR_9144 pyridoxine[s] <=>
m02842s riboflavin HMR_9143 riboflavin[s] <=>
m02996s thymidine HMR_9423 thymidine[s] <=>
m01361s aquacob(III)alamin HMR_9269 aquacob(III)alamin[s] <=>
m02394s lipoic acid HMR_9167 lipoic acid[s] <=>
m01965s glucose HMR_9034 glucose[s] <=>
m02946s sulfate HMR_9074 sulfate[s] <=>
m02387s linoleate HMR_9035 linoleate[s] <=>
m02389s linolenate HMR_9036 linolenate[s] <=>
m02630s O2 HMR_9048 O2[s] <=>
m02040s H2O HMR_9047 H2O[s] <=>
m02833s retinoate HMR_9404 retinoate[s] <=>
m01821s Fe2+ HMR_9076 Fe2+[s] <=>
m02751s Pi HMR_9072 Pi[s] <=>
m01327s alpha-tocopherol HMR_9151 alpha-tocopherol[s] <=>
m01935s gamma-tocopherol HMR_9153 gamma-tocopherol[s] <=>

Also, make sure that you are using the most recent version of the model (1.4.0), otherwise you may have boundary metabolites that will need to be removed prior to performing flux simulations.

JonathanRob commented 4 years ago

@raphyz Can you verify if the list of reactions above, when opened, enable biomass production?

JonathanRob commented 3 years ago

I am closing this issue since there has been no activity in some time, but feel free to re-open it if necessary.