From the Memote report we get that there are 1284 unconserved metabolites and 357 reactions not mass balanced. This should be fixed. Most of the unconserved metabolites are probably because one metabolite in a reaction is missing the chemical formula.
All metabolites should have both a charge and mass balance
Reproducing these results:
n_charge = 0
n_formula= 0
print("Metabolites missing formula:")
for m in model.metabolites:
if not m.formula:
n_formula += 1
print("Metabolites missing charge:")
for m in model.metabolites:
if not m.charge:
n_charge += 1
n_reactions = 0
for r in model.reactions:
if not r.boundary and len(r.check_mass_balance()):
n_reactions += 1
To do:
[ ] Add chemical formula and charge to all metabolites
[ ] Check that all reactions except boundaries and biomass-reactions are charge and mass-balanced
I hereby confirm that:
[x] This problem persists in the master branch of the repository
Description of the issue:
From the Memote report we get that there are 1284 unconserved metabolites and 357 reactions not mass balanced. This should be fixed. Most of the unconserved metabolites are probably because one metabolite in a reaction is missing the chemical formula.
357 unbalanced reactions
644 metabolites don't have a charge
399 metabolites don't have a chemical formula
Expected feature/value/output:
All metabolites should have both a charge and mass balance
Reproducing these results:
To do:
I hereby confirm that:
branch of the repository