SysBioChalmers / Yarrowia_lipolytica_W29-GEM

Genome-scale model of Yarrowia lipolytica.
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Curations that would enable Escher visualizations #14

Open djinnome opened 5 years ago

djinnome commented 5 years ago

Hi folks,

This is an attempt to convert my email from May 11th, 2019 to an issue that can be tracked.

There is a jupyter notebook that contains all the suggested fixes. I will attempt to break each suggestion into a separate comment below.

Hi Jeremy,

Some good news – Ed Kerkhoven from Chalmers has been working with Christian Lieven from DTU to add BiGG IDs to their Yarrowia model ( They regularly post updates and we can link to their latest release for our paper.

Ed and Christian plan to publish an updated model in another paper that is associated with some data that was produced at EMSL awhile ago and I think there is some interest is collaborating with you on visualization as they develop their new model. You can follow-up with Ed directly to assess how you could collaborate.

Cheers, Scott

Hi Scott,

That is fantastic news!

Ed, what kind of visualizations you are interested in?



Hi Jeremy,

You're probably aware of Escher ( It would be nice if the model works with that.

Some other curations that we're planning to include are BIGG anntations, Yali1 gene identifiers, curate with reactions from iYLI647 and iMK735, SLIMEr formulation of lipid metabolism (, do you have some additional ideas after working with the model?

Best, Ed

djinnome commented 5 years ago

iMM904 central carbon metabolism reactions missing in YALI4

edkerk commented 5 years ago

Thanks @djinnome. It is not always entirely clear what curation you propose. For instance about ALCD2x_copy1. However, some are just changes of a reaction ID to the one used in the Escher map? Others seem to be changes in the reaction equation, e.g. changing fumarate to proton symport. How sure are you that these reactions in iMM904 (and then specifically in that Escher map) is correct? The Yarrowia lipolytica model is based on yeast-GEM 8, which is a more up-to-date version than iMM904, so is it not possible that those reactions have since been curated? It seems a bit abitrary to make the model fit a map of an old model?