SysBioChalmers / ecModels

A container for all enzyme constrained models created by GECKO.
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
10 stars 6 forks source link

update ecYeastGEM based on v8.4.2 #55

Closed automator-metatlas closed 3 years ago

automator-metatlas commented 3 years ago
MATLAB is selecting SOFTWARE OPENGL rendering.

                                                                              < M A T L A B (R) >
                                                                    Copyright 1984-2020 The MathWorks, Inc.
                                                                R2020b Update 3 ( 64-bit (glnxa64)
                                                                               November 23, 2020

To get started, type doc.
For product information, visit

      _____   _____   _____   _____     _____     |
     /  ___| /  _  \ |  _  \ |  _  \   / ___ \    |   COnstraint-Based Reconstruction and Analysis
     | |     | | | | | |_| | | |_| |  | |___| |   |   The COBRA Toolbox - 2021
     | |     | | | | |  _  { |  _  /  |  ___  |   |
     | |___  | |_| | | |_| | | | \ \  | |   | |   |   Documentation:
     \_____| \_____/ |_____/ |_|  \_\ |_|   |_|   |

 > Checking if git is installed ...  Done (version: 2.25.1).
 > Checking if the repository is tracked using git ...  Done.
 > Checking if curl is installed ...  Done.
 > Checking if remote can be reached ...  Done.
 > Initializing and updating submodules (this may take a while)... Done.
 > Adding all the files of The COBRA Toolbox ...  Done.
 > Define CB map output... set to svg.
 > TranslateSBML is installed and working properly.
 > Configuring solver environment variables ...
   - [----] ILOG_CPLEX_PATH: --> set this path manually after installing the solver ( see )
   - [----] GUROBI_PATH: --> set this path manually after installing the solver ( see )
   - [----] TOMLAB_PATH: --> set this path manually after installing the solver ( see )
   - [----] MOSEK_PATH: --> set this path manually after installing the solver ( see )
 > Checking available solvers and solver interfaces ... Done.
 > Setting default solvers ... Done.
 > Saving the MATLAB path ... Done.
   - The MATLAB path was saved as ~/pathdef.m.

 > Summary of available solvers and solver interfaces

            Support        LP    MILP      QP    MIQP     NLP
    gurobi          active              1       1       1       1       -
    ibm_cplex       active              0       0       0       0       -
    tomlab_cplex    active              0       0       0       0       -
    glpk            active              1       1       -       -       -
    mosek           active              0       -       0       -       -
    matlab          active              0       -       -       -       0
    pdco            active              1       -       1       -       -
    quadMinos       active              0       -       -       -       -
    dqqMinos        active              0       -       0       -       -
    cplex_direct    active              0       0       0       -       -
    cplexlp         active              0       -       -       -       -
    qpng            passive             -       -       1       -       -
    tomlab_snopt    passive             -       -       -       -       0
    lp_solve        legacy              1       -       -       -       -
    Total           -                   4       2       3       1       0

 + Legend: - = not applicable, 0 = solver not compatible or not installed, 1 = solver installed.

 > You can solve LP problems using: 'gurobi' - 'glpk' - 'pdco' 
 > You can solve MILP problems using: 'gurobi' - 'glpk' 
 > You can solve QP problems using: 'gurobi' - 'pdco' 
 > You can solve MIQP problems using: 'gurobi' 
 > You can solve NLP problems using: 

 > Checking for available updates ...
 > There are 7848 new commit(s) on <master> and 0 new commit(s) on <develop> [800dcf @ master]
 > You can update The COBRA Toolbox by running updateCobraToolbox() (from within MATLAB).
Converting COBRA structure to RAVEN..
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 100
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 200
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 300
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 400
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 500
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 600
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 700
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 800
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 900
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 1000
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 1100
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 1200
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 1300
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 1400
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 1500
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 1600
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 1700
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 1800
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 1900
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 2000
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 2100
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 2200
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 2300
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 2400
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 2500
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 2600
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 2700
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 2800
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 2900
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 3000
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 3100
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 3200
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 3300
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 3400
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 3500
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 3600
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 3700
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 3800
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 3900
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 4000
Getting enzyme codes: Ready with rxn 4053
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 10
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 410
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 420
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 430
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 440
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 450
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 460
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 470
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 480
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 490
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 510
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 550
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 560
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 640
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 650
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 660
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 670
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 680
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 690
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 710
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 750
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 760
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 780
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 850
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 860
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 890
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 900
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 910
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 920
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 950
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1250
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1260
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1270
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1280
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1330
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1350
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1360
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1370
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1390
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1430
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1450
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1460
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1500
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1530
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1540
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1550
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1560
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1580
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1660
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1670
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1680
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1700
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1710
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1720
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1730
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1740
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1750
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1760
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1770
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1780
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1790
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1940
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1950
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1960
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1970
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 1990
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2000
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2060
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2070
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2080
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2090
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2100
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2110
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2120
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2130
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2140
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2150
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2160
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2170
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2180
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2190
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2200
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2210
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2220
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2230
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2240
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2250
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2260
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2270
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2280
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2290
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2300
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2310
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2320
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2330
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2340
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2350
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2360
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2370
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2380
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2450
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2500
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2550
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2560
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2640
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2650
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2660
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2670
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2690
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2710
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2720
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2750
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2760
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2770
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2780
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2790
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2800
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2810
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2820
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2830
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2840
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2850
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2860
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2870
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2880
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2910
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2920
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2930
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2940
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2950
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2960
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2970
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 2990
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3000
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3030
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3040
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3050
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3060
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3070
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3080
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3090
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3100
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3110
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3120
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3130
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3150
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3160
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3170
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3180
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3210
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3220
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3230
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3240
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3250
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3270
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3310
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3320
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3330
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3350
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3360
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3410
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3420
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3430
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3440
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3450
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3460
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3470
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3510
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3520
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3530
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3540
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3550
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3560
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3580
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3660
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3760
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3810
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3850
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3860
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3870
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3880
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Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3910
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3920
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3930
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3940
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3950
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3960
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3970
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3980
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 3990
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 4000
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 4010
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 4020
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 4030
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 4040
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 4050
Matching kcats: Ready with rxn 4053
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 100
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 200
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 300
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 400
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 500
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 600
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 700
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 800
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 900
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 1000
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 1100
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 1200
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 1300
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 1400
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 1500
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 1600
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 1700
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 1800
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 1900
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 2000
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 2100
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 2200
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 2300
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 2400
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 2500
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 2600
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 2700
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 2800
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 2900
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 3000
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 3100
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 3200
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 3300
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 3400
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 3500
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 3600
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 3700
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 3800
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 3900
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 4000
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 4100
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 4200
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 4300
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 4400
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 4500
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 4600
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 4700
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 4800
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 4900
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 5000
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 5100
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 5200
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 5300
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 5400
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 5500
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 5600
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 5700
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 5800
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 5900
Adding enzymes to rxns: Ready with rxn 5925
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 100
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 200
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 300
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 400
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 500
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 600
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 700
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 800
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 900
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 1000
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 1100
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 1200
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 1300
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 1400
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 1500
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 1600
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 1700
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 1800
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 1900
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 2000
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 2100
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 2200
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 2300
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 2400
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 2500
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 2600
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 2700
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 2800
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 2900
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 3000
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 3100
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 3200
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 3300
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 3400
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 3500
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 3600
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 3700
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 3800
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 3900
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 4000
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 4100
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 4200
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 4300
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 4400
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 4500
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 4600
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 4700
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 4800
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 4900
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 5000
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 5100
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 5200
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 5300
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 5400
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 5500
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 5600
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 5700
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 5800
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 5900
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 6000
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 6100
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 6200
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 6300
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 6400
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 6500
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 6600
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 6700
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 6800
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 6900
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 7000
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 7100
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 7200
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 7300
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 7400
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 7500
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 7600
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 7700
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 7800
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 7900
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 8000
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 8100
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 8200
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 8300
Improving model with curated data: Ready with rxn 8311
Removing repeated rxn: r_0226No2 & r_0226No3
Removing repeated rxn: r_0438No1 & r_0438No2
Removing repeated rxn: r_0438No1 & r_0438No3
Removing repeated rxn: r_0438No1 & r_0438No4
Removing repeated rxn: r_0438No2 & r_0438No3
Removing repeated rxn: r_0438No2 & r_0438No4
Removing repeated rxn: r_0438No3 & r_0438No4
Removing repeated rxn: r_0439No1 & r_0439No2
Merging reactions: arm_r_0439 & r_0439No1
Merging reactions: arm_r_0543 & r_0543No1
Merging reactions: arm_r_1838 & r_1838No1
Removing unused protein: P00424
Removing unused protein: P18496
Removing unused protein: P22135
Removing unused protein: P32453
Removing unused protein: Q3E7B6
P00924: sce00680  Methane metabolism
sce00010  Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis sce00680  Methane metabolism sce01110  Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites sce01130  Biosynthesis of antibiotics sce01200  Carbon metabolism sce01230  Biosynthesis of amino acids sce03018  RNA degradation

P00925: sce00680  Methane metabolism
sce00010  Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis sce00680  Methane metabolism sce01110  Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites sce01130  Biosynthesis of antibiotics sce01200  Carbon metabolism sce01230  Biosynthesis of amino acids sce03018  RNA degradation

P00950: sce00680  Methane metabolism
sce00010  Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis sce00260  Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism sce00680  Methane metabolism sce01110  Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites sce01130  Biosynthesis of antibiotics sce01200  Carbon metabolism sce01230  Biosynthesis of amino acids

P09201: sce00680  Methane metabolism
sce00010  Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis sce00030  Pentose phosphate pathway sce00051  Fructose and mannose metabolism sce00680  Methane metabolism sce01110  Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites sce01130  Biosynthesis of antibiotics sce01200  Carbon metabolism

P13711: sce00592  alpha-Linolenic acid metabolism
sce00071  Fatty acid degradation sce00592  alpha-Linolenic acid metabolism sce01040  Biosynthesis of unsaturated fatty acids sce01110  Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites sce01212  Fatty acid metabolism sce04146  Peroxisome

P14540: sce00680  Methane metabolism
sce00010  Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis sce00030  Pentose phosphate pathway sce00051  Fructose and mannose metabolism sce00680  Methane metabolism sce01110  Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites sce01130  Biosynthesis of antibiotics sce01200  Carbon metabolism sce01230  Biosynthesis of amino acids

P16861: sce00680  Methane metabolism
sce00010  Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis sce00030  Pentose phosphate pathway sce00051  Fructose and mannose metabolism sce00052  Galactose metabolism sce00680  Methane metabolism sce01110  Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites sce01130  Biosynthesis of antibiotics sce01200  Carbon metabolism sce01230  Biosynthesis of amino acids sce03018  RNA degradation

P16862: sce00680  Methane metabolism
sce00010  Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis sce00030  Pentose phosphate pathway sce00051  Fructose and mannose metabolism sce00052  Galactose metabolism sce00680  Methane metabolism sce01110  Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites sce01130  Biosynthesis of antibiotics sce01200  Carbon metabolism sce01230  Biosynthesis of amino acids sce03018  RNA degradation

P17898: sce00565  Ether lipid metabolism
sce00440  Phosphonate and phosphinate metabolism sce00564  Glycerophospholipid metabolism sce00565  Ether lipid metabolism

P22140: sce00565  Ether lipid metabolism
sce00440  Phosphonate and phosphinate metabolism sce00564  Glycerophospholipid metabolism sce00565  Ether lipid metabolism sce01110  Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites

P27796: sce00592  alpha-Linolenic acid metabolism
sce00071  Fatty acid degradation sce00280  Valine, leucine and isoleucine degradation sce00592  alpha-Linolenic acid metabolism sce01040  Biosynthesis of unsaturated fatty acids sce01110  Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites sce01130  Biosynthesis of antibiotics sce01212  Fatty acid metabolism sce04146  Peroxisome

P32771: sce00680  Methane metabolism
sce00010  Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis sce00071  Fatty acid degradation sce00350  Tyrosine metabolism sce00680  Methane metabolism sce01110  Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites sce01130  Biosynthesis of antibiotics sce01200  Carbon metabolism

P33330: sce00680  Methane metabolism
sce00260  Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism sce00680  Methane metabolism sce00750  Vitamin B6 metabolism sce01130  Biosynthesis of antibiotics sce01200  Carbon metabolism sce01230  Biosynthesis of amino acids

P36014: sce00590  Arachidonic acid metabolism
sce00480  Glutathione metabolism sce00590  Arachidonic acid metabolism

P36126: sce00565  Ether lipid metabolism
sce00564  Glycerophospholipid metabolism sce00565  Ether lipid metabolism sce01110  Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites sce04144  Endocytosis

P36165: sce00565  Ether lipid metabolism
sce00100  Steroid biosynthesis sce00561  Glycerolipid metabolism sce00564  Glycerophospholipid metabolism sce00565  Ether lipid metabolism sce00590  Arachidonic acid metabolism sce00592  alpha-Linolenic acid metabolism sce01110  Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites

P36165: sce00590  Arachidonic acid metabolism
sce00100  Steroid biosynthesis sce00561  Glycerolipid metabolism sce00564  Glycerophospholipid metabolism sce00565  Ether lipid metabolism sce00590  Arachidonic acid metabolism sce00592  alpha-Linolenic acid metabolism sce01110  Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites

P36165: sce00592  alpha-Linolenic acid metabolism
sce00100  Steroid biosynthesis sce00561  Glycerolipid metabolism sce00564  Glycerophospholipid metabolism sce00565  Ether lipid metabolism sce00590  Arachidonic acid metabolism sce00592  alpha-Linolenic acid metabolism sce01110  Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites

P37291: sce00460  Cyanoamino acid metabolism
sce00260  Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism sce00460  Cyanoamino acid metabolism sce00630  Glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism sce00670  One carbon pool by folate sce00680  Methane metabolism sce01110  Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites sce01130  Biosynthesis of antibiotics sce01200  Carbon metabolism sce01230  Biosynthesis of amino acids

P37291: sce00680  Methane metabolism
sce00260  Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism sce00460  Cyanoamino acid metabolism sce00630  Glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism sce00670  One carbon pool by folate sce00680  Methane metabolism sce01110  Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites sce01130  Biosynthesis of antibiotics sce01200  Carbon metabolism sce01230  Biosynthesis of amino acids

P37292: sce00460  Cyanoamino acid metabolism
sce00260  Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism sce00460  Cyanoamino acid metabolism sce00630  Glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism sce00670  One carbon pool by folate sce00680  Methane metabolism sce01110  Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites sce01130  Biosynthesis of antibiotics sce01200  Carbon metabolism sce01230  Biosynthesis of amino acids

P37292: sce00680  Methane metabolism
sce00260  Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism sce00460  Cyanoamino acid metabolism sce00630  Glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism sce00670  One carbon pool by folate sce00680  Methane metabolism sce01110  Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites sce01130  Biosynthesis of antibiotics sce01200  Carbon metabolism sce01230  Biosynthesis of amino acids

P38143: sce00590  Arachidonic acid metabolism
sce00480  Glutathione metabolism sce00590  Arachidonic acid metabolism

P38986: sce00460  Cyanoamino acid metabolism
sce00250  Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism sce00460  Cyanoamino acid metabolism sce01110  Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites

P40054: sce00680  Methane metabolism
sce00260  Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism sce00680  Methane metabolism sce01130  Biosynthesis of antibiotics sce01200  Carbon metabolism sce01230  Biosynthesis of amino acids

P40363: sce00680  Methane metabolism
sce00680  Methane metabolism sce01200  Carbon metabolism

P40471: sce00565  Ether lipid metabolism
sce00564  Glycerophospholipid metabolism sce00565  Ether lipid metabolism

P40510: sce00680  Methane metabolism
sce00260  Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism sce00680  Methane metabolism sce01130  Biosynthesis of antibiotics sce01200  Carbon metabolism sce01230  Biosynthesis of amino acids

P40581: sce00590  Arachidonic acid metabolism
sce00480  Glutathione metabolism sce00590  Arachidonic acid metabolism

P42222: sce00680  Methane metabolism
sce00010  Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis sce00680  Methane metabolism sce01110  Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites sce01130  Biosynthesis of antibiotics sce01200  Carbon metabolism sce01230  Biosynthesis of amino acids sce03018  RNA degradation

P42941: sce00680  Methane metabolism
sce00260  Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism sce00680  Methane metabolism sce01130  Biosynthesis of antibiotics sce01200  Carbon metabolism sce01230  Biosynthesis of amino acids

P43550: sce00680  Methane metabolism
sce00051  Fructose and mannose metabolism sce00561  Glycerolipid metabolism sce00680  Methane metabolism sce01200  Carbon metabolism

P43567: sce00680  Methane metabolism
sce00250  Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism sce00260  Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism sce00630  Glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism sce00680  Methane metabolism sce01110  Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites sce01130  Biosynthesis of antibiotics sce01200  Carbon metabolism sce04146  Peroxisome

P52910: sce00680  Methane metabolism
sce00010  Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis sce00620  Pyruvate metabolism sce00640  Propanoate metabolism sce00680  Methane metabolism sce01110  Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites sce01130  Biosynthesis of antibiotics sce01200  Carbon metabolism

P54838: sce00680  Methane metabolism
sce00051  Fructose and mannose metabolism sce00561  Glycerolipid metabolism sce00680  Methane metabolism sce01200  Carbon metabolism

Q01574: sce00680  Methane metabolism
sce00010  Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis sce00620  Pyruvate metabolism sce00640  Propanoate metabolism sce00680  Methane metabolism sce01110  Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites sce01130  Biosynthesis of antibiotics sce01200  Carbon metabolism

Q05902: sce00460  Cyanoamino acid metabolism
sce00430  Taurine and hypotaurine metabolism sce00460  Cyanoamino acid metabolism sce00480  Glutathione metabolism

Q08548: sce00565  Ether lipid metabolism
sce00561  Glycerolipid metabolism sce00564  Glycerophospholipid metabolism sce00565  Ether lipid metabolism sce01110  Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites

Q08911: sce00680  Methane metabolism
sce00630  Glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism sce00680  Methane metabolism sce01200  Carbon metabolism

Q10740: sce00590  Arachidonic acid metabolism
sce00590  Arachidonic acid metabolism

Calculating total abundance: Ready with 100/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 200/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 300/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 400/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 500/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 600/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 700/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 800/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 900/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 1000/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 1100/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 1200/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 1300/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 1400/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 1500/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 1600/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 1700/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 1800/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 1900/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 2000/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 2100/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 2200/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 2300/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 2400/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 2500/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 2600/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 2700/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 2800/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 2900/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 3000/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 3100/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 3200/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 3300/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 3400/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 3500/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 3600/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 3700/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 3800/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 3900/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 4000/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 4100/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 4200/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 4300/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 4400/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 4500/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 4600/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 4700/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 4800/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 4900/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 5000/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 5100/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 5200/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 5300/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 5400/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 5500/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 5600/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 5700/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 5800/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 5900/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 6000/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 6100/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 6200/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 6300/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 6400/6440 genes 
Calculating total abundance: Ready with 6440/6440 genes 
WARNING: Reaction r_1663 is not present in the reaction list

WARNING: Reaction r_4062 is not present in the reaction list

WARNING: Reaction r_4064 is not present in the reaction list

Matching data to enzymes in model...
Estimating GAM:
Fitted GAM = 27.4 -> Error = 0.1816
[Warning: MATLAB has disabled some advanced graphics rendering features by switching to software OpenGL. For more information, click <a href="matlab:opengl('problems')">here</a>.] 

Total protein amount measured = 0 g/gDW
Total enzymes measured = 0 enzymes
Enzymes in model with 0 g/gDW = 0 enzymes
Total protein amount not measured = 0.5 g/gDW
Total enzymes not measured = 968 enzymes
Total protein in model = 0.5 g/gDW

                The ECmodel is overconstrained                 
******************* Limiting Kcats curation *******************
*Iteration #1
 Automatic search // EC#:
  Protein:P38604 Rxn#:3751 name: lanosterol synthase (No1)
  prev_Kcat:0.0019367 new_Kcat:4.0763 CC:0.63672 Err:-61.0431%

*Iteration #2
 Automatic search // EC#:
  Protein:P38972 Rxn#:2991 name: 5'-phosphoribosylformyl glycinamidine synthetase (No1)
  prev_Kcat:0.05 new_Kcat:5.0675 CC:0.36184 Err:-47.1166%

*Iteration #3
 Automatic search // EC#:
  Protein:P00931 Rxn#:4155 name: tryptophan synthase (indoleglycerol phosphate) (No1)
  prev_Kcat:0.022301 new_Kcat:775.75 CC:0.41185 Err:-25.3069%

*Iteration #4
 Automatic search // EC#: 6.3.4.-
  Protein:P48445 Rxn#:3031 name: acetyl-CoA carboxylase, reaction (No1)
  prev_Kcat:1.23 new_Kcat:450000 CC:0.059866 Err:-20.8306%

*Iteration #5
 Automatic search // EC#:
  Protein:P05694 Rxn#:3781 name: methionine synthase (No1)
  prev_Kcat:0.33 new_Kcat:3.5 CC:0.046422 Err:-17.513%

*Iteration #6
 Automatic search // EC#:
  Protein:P32895 Rxn#:3984 name: phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthetase (No1)
  prev_Kcat:0.65999 new_Kcat:1170 CC:0.044464 Err:-13.8436%

*Iteration #7
 Automatic search // EC#:
  Protein:P39006 Rxn#:4659 name: PS decarboxylase (1-16:1, 2-16:1), mitochondrial membrane (No1)
  prev_Kcat:0.053334 new_Kcat:366.6667 CC:0.041758 Err:-10.2424%

*Iteration #8
 Automatic search // EC#:
  Protein:P33312 Rxn#:2909 name: 2,5-diamino-6-ribosylamino-4(3H)-pyrimidinone 5'-phosphate reductase (NADPH) (No1)
  prev_Kcat:0.00066666 new_Kcat:0.00066667 CC:0.042829 Err:-10.2424%

*Iteration #9
 Automatic search // EC#:
  Protein:P36148 Rxn#:4383 name: glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (16:1), ER membrane (No2)
  prev_Kcat:0.0918 new_Kcat:9.9733 CC:0.038586 Err:-6.8086%

        Fitting the average enzymes saturation factor          
Fitting sigma factor: 0.01   error: 98.449%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.02   error: 96.4126%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.03   error: 94.3761%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.04   error: 92.3397%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.05   error: 90.3032%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.06   error: 88.2668%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.07   error: 86.2303%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.08   error: 84.1939%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.09   error: 82.1574%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.1   error: 80.121%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.11   error: 78.0845%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.12   error: 76.0481%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.13   error: 74.0116%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.14   error: 71.9752%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.15   error: 69.9387%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.16   error: 67.9023%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.17   error: 65.8658%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.18   error: 63.8293%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.19   error: 61.7929%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.2   error: 59.7564%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.21   error: 57.72%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.22   error: 55.6835%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.23   error: 53.6471%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.24   error: 51.6106%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.25   error: 49.5742%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.26   error: 47.5377%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.27   error: 45.5013%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.28   error: 43.4648%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.29   error: 41.4284%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.3   error: 39.3919%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.31   error: 37.3555%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.32   error: 35.319%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.33   error: 33.2826%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.34   error: 31.2461%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.35   error: 29.2097%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.36   error: 27.1732%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.37   error: 25.1368%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.38   error: 23.1003%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.39   error: 21.0638%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.4   error: 19.0274%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.41   error: 16.9909%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.42   error: 14.9545%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.43   error: 12.918%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.44   error: 10.8816%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.45   error: 8.8451%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.46   error: 6.8087%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.47   error: 4.7722%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.48   error: 2.7358%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.49   error: 0.69933%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.5   error: -1.3371%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.51   error: -3.3736%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.52   error: -5.41%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.53   error: -7.4465%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.54   error: -9.4829%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.55   error: -11.5194%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.56   error: -13.5558%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.57   error: -15.5923%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.58   error: -17.6287%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.59   error: -19.6652%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.6   error: -21.7016%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.61   error: -23.7381%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.62   error: -25.7746%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.63   error: -27.811%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.64   error: -29.8475%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.65   error: -31.8839%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.66   error: -33.9204%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.67   error: -35.9568%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.68   error: -37.9933%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.69   error: -40.0297%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.7   error: -42.0662%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.71   error: -44.1026%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.72   error: -46.1391%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.73   error: -48.1755%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.74   error: -50.212%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.75   error: -52.2484%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.76   error: -54.2849%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.77   error: -56.3213%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.78   error: -58.3578%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.79   error: -60.3942%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.8   error: -62.4307%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.81   error: -64.4671%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.82   error: -66.5036%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.83   error: -68.54%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.84   error: -70.5765%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.85   error: -72.613%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.86   error: -74.6494%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.87   error: -76.6859%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.88   error: -78.7223%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.89   error: -80.7588%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.9   error: -82.7952%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.91   error: -84.8317%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.92   error: -86.8681%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.93   error: -88.9046%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.94   error: -90.941%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.95   error: -92.9775%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.96   error: -95.0139%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.97   error: -97.0504%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.98   error: -99.0868%
Fitting sigma factor: 0.99   error: -101.1233%
Fitting sigma factor: 1   error: -103.1597%
Sigma factor (fitted for growth on glucose): 0.49
Converting RAVEN structure to COBRA..
Each model.subSystems{x} is a character array, and this format is retained.