SysBioChalmers / yeast-GEM

The consensus GEM for Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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feat: yeast-GEM maps in caffeine platform #212

Closed BenjaSanchez closed 1 month ago

BenjaSanchez commented 4 years ago

Description of the issue:

For improved visualization of the S. cerevisiae model, the files available at SysBioChalmers/Yeast-maps could be uploaded to, a platform for simulating + visualizing GEM predictions. For this, the following should be done:

I hereby confirm that I have:

hongzhonglu commented 4 years ago

The current issue is that the map format from SysBioChalmers/Yeast-maps should be updated to be visualised using caffeine .

BenjaSanchez commented 4 years ago

@hongzhonglu were you able to transform the format available in SysBioChalmers/Yeast-maps to be compatible with Escher? Is there work somewhere with that?

hongzhonglu commented 4 years ago

Hi @BenjaSanchez I am not able to transform the format. Niko has done some work as the part of Yeast8 project but we did not get the completed result from him.

BenjaSanchez commented 4 years ago

Update on this: The model of yeast-GEM (version 8.4.0) is now available in Caffeine. After #224 was merged, I used those I/O functions to create a model with BiGG ids in .json format in this fork. I uploaded that model as a publicly available model at (can be selected from the S. cerevisiae model options when a new simulation card is created). For now it should be used with maps from iMM904. It works with varying degrees of success: lipid metabolism for instance has very few matches, but below you can see that Glycolisis/PPP matches very nicely 😄


@feiranl @hongzhonglu feel free to play around with the model (you can try simulating knockouts, adding reactions, changing bounds, etc) and let me know if overall it's working as intended. If so, I can push it to the production line of Caffeine, and modify the readme file of our repo to direct users to this resource for integrated simulation & visualization.

feiranl commented 4 years ago

@BenjaSanchez Hi, I tried adding reactions from MNX and adding a reaction manually inputed, changing bounds, and reactions knocking out. Overall, it is great!. But the reaction knocking is circling all the time, even though new simulation result is generated, but it is still responding. Is that a problem? And there is a small thing in edit bound there, it will become red after you clicking that, even though I didn't input anything. image

BenjaSanchez commented 4 years ago

@feiranl thanks for the feedback! those sound like issues with the caffeine platform, not the yeast model, so feel free to document them at

If no other issues with the yeast model then I will proceed to move it to :)

BenjaSanchez commented 4 years ago

update: model is now available in the production line of caffeine, at

forxhunter commented 1 month ago @BenjaSanchez Hi BenjaSanchez, I check the current version of interactive-map again. But I didnt' find the Yeast GEM map you created. Could you please verify that? image And the old link you gave can no long be opened as well.

BenjaSanchez commented 1 month ago

@forxhunter the project DD-DeCaF ended a few years ago, and as far as I know the Caffeine tool is currently not maintained, so you will need to look for other visualization options. The map files are available at, and an interactive version (not sure if up to date) can be accessed at (not at Hope this helps :)

PS: Note that I did not create the yeast GEM map; what I did in this issue was to upload the yeast model to the caffeine platform, so it could be combined with other maps. if you have questions about the map you should ask them in the corresponding repo:

BenjaSanchez commented 1 month ago

As the caffeine platform is not operational anymore, I propose to close this issue :)